12: Caution (to the wind)

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Jason keeps driving.
They get further and further from the city.
Despite the wind stinging his fresh wounds,
A strange euphoria takes hold of him.

So he killed Justin King
And stole his Cadillac.
Is the guilt driving him crazy?
Or is he crazy for not feeling the guilt?


He stops at a diner just like Sadie asked.
They slide into a booth, ignoring the stares that follow.
They look like crap, right.
They haven't showered, right.
But they’re also hungry, so suck on that.

"So I want pancakes, pancakes, fries and a milkshake." Sadie orders, flippantly reading off the menu.
"A burger for me." Jason smiles at the waitress.

"Oh my god, Jay! Is this our first date?" Sadie exclaims when the waitress leaves.
Not missing a beat, Jason picks her hand off the table.
"It would appear so," he answers with dramatic flair. "Why don't you tell me about yourself, my lovely lady?"

Sadie likes thrilling romances and aimless drives.

She likes dancing alone with the music turned up loud,
She likes lying extravagantly to strangers and
She likes being herself and being everyone.

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