04: Secret

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After the show the gang chills out
Sadie laughs at Scotty's jokes,
Agrees that Nolan is the hottest
And leans on Jason's arm.

"Hey, I'll treat you to a beer."
Jason says, getting to his feet.
"Sure, let me come with."
Sadie follows without missing a beat.

When they get to the store,
Jason realizes the beer is deadly overpriced.
His face flushes.
"Shit, I'm sorry babe—"

"Oh don't worry about it"
Sadie says quickly.
"You can still treat me, just drop the note when you give it."

Jason decides not to ask any questions.
"I'll have a beer,"
He says, then let the note slip through his fingers.

It flutters to the ground,
He mutters a quick apology,
And the owner scrambles to catch it.

He doesn't look at Sadie
But as he takes his beer and leaves,
He noticed she had slipped a bottle as well.

She gives him a wink
Our secret
It seemed to say.
And yes, he was charmed.

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