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I was lost in her eyes. The moment was interrupted when Liz began to shake my shoulder lightly. "Y/N? Hello?"

I blinked a few times, turning to Liz. "Yeah?" I said, still dazed. 

"This is Angelina. Jolie. Your co-star." Liz said, gesturing to the brunette who sat calmly in her chair, a beautiful smirk gracing her lips.

I turned to look at Angelina and had to resist the urge to get lost in her eyes again. "H-hi" I cursed myself for stuttering. "I'm Y/N." I said with a nervous smile, holding out my hand.

She stood gracefully, and grasped my hand. Surprisingly, I wasn't shocked to feel her strong grip. She shook my hand firmly, yet gently. Angelina smiled. "I'm Angelina."

I smiled at her and swallowed nervously, hoping to god my hands weren't sweaty.

Why didn't Liz, one of my best friends, warn me that my lifelong crush would be my co-star?

"Okay, cool. It's uh.. It's nice to meet you Angelina." I said, nervously rubbing the back of my neck. 

She smiled warmly. "You as well Y/N." 

"So are you guys excited about the movie?" Liz asked, helping to diminish some of the awkward tension I felt. 

"Definitely. I have always wanted to work with both of you." I said, gaining some confidence and turning to Angelina to flash her a grin. 

"Same. I can't wait to hear what the movie is about." Our conversation was interrupted by one of the producers saying the show was going live in 5 minutes and that we should go back to our seats. "Okay well I guess we should be going then. It was really great to meet you Ms. Jolie." I said, gently grasping her hand  and pulling it to my lips. 

She giggled as I pressed a kiss against it. "Likewise Ms. Y/L/N. I look forward to working with you. I'll see you at intermission? And hopefully at the after party?" I grinned and nodded. 

Liz and I walked back to our table and took our seats. The first half of the show passed by fairly quickly. Before I knew it, it was intermission and we were given 10 minutes to go to the bathroom, order more drinks, and converse with people. 

"Let's go talk more with Angelina." Liz said, standing and winking as she did. I rolled my eyes but got up anyway. It's not that I didn't want to see her, I just can't handle more of my own awkwardness. The two of us made our way over to Angelina's table. I paused when I saw someone was already there talking to her. I grew jealous as I saw her laugh and she seemed to be super engaged in the conversation. 

God, her laugh was magical. I could listen to it forever. My thoughts were interrupted when Liz pulled me to the table. Angelina and the man she was talking to both turned to us. I internally groaned at who the man was. 

Brad Pitt.

Son of a bitch. I forced a smile as Brad walked over to me. "Y/N! Long time no see! God, I haven't seen you since we worked on Fury together!" I smiled a bit more genuine at the mention of that project as Brad pulled me into a bro hug. Don't get me wrong, I actually do like him, but I also know that he has a fat crush on the same beautiful woman I do. And I'll be damned if he charms her before me.

After pulling out of the hug, Brad and I spent a couple minutes talking while Angelina and Liz were engaged in their own conversation.

Suddenly the topic turned to Liz's new movie, and that's when she dropped another bomb. "So, Y/N, Angelina is already aware of this, but Brad will be working on the movie with us. He's going to be playing a smaller, supporting role so that he can adjust his schedule because he's also working on another project during filming." 

"Really? That's great!" I said, feigning excitement for the actor. I met Angelina's eyes as I said this and could see her amusement at my reaction. She saw right through me. 

"Alright, well I'm going to go order more drinks, but it was great seeing you Y/N. See you guys later!" Brad said. 

"I'll go order with you Brad." Liz said, as she flashed me a small smile and mouthed good luck. I mouthed back thank you and watched her and Brad walk away, feeling relived that he was gone.

"So... What was that about?" Angelina asked, the amusement still in her eyes, and a smirk on her perfect lips. 

I chuckled and sighed. "Ugh, nothing. He's a nice guy and all--very talented--but he just gets on my nerves." 

She let out a small laugh. "Yeah, I get that. I'm excited to work with you. I've heard a lot about you from friends." 

I snorted. "All bad things probably." 

She giggled at that and slowly  shook her head, walking closer to me so that our chests were almost touching. The warmth of her minty breath ghosted over my lips as she spoke. "Not at all. In fact, some of them had rather Large  compliments to give." 

The way she said large sent chills down my spine. I couldn't let her have all the fun. "Well, at the end of the day, it all depends on what you think. Hopefully I'll meet your standards." My voice had dropped a few octaves, becoming slightly raspy. 

Angelina smirked and chuckled. "Oh I'm sure you will be more than adequate." I got the feeling we were no longer talking about my set educate and acting abilities. 

Before I could respond, we were all told to return to our tables as the second half of the show was about to begin. "I guess that's my cue to go. I'll see you later. Before I go though, may I just say you look beyond gorgeous tonight. Words can't even describe your beauty." I smiled to myself as I saw a slight dusting of blush cover her cheeks. 

Angelina smiled. "Thank you. You are not so bad yourself. Now go back to your table before you get kicked out." 

I laughed and shook my head, heading back to my table where Liz and everyone else was already seated. 

As soon as I sat down, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I just met the woman of my dreams in person and I already knew she would be the death of me.

The second half of the show seemed to pass by pretty slowly. I clapped and cheered when Margot, Meryl, and Liz all won. I had been nominated that night for best actress in a film and did not expect to win, considering I was up against Sandra Bullock, Anne Hathaway, and Emily Blunt.

I had been zoned out for the past few minutes, until I heard the voice of an angel speak into the microphone. "This past year has been one of the most successful for women in film. We've had so many amazingly talented women win tonight. Here are the nominees for best actress in a film. Sandra Bullock, Bird Box. Anne Hathaway, Serenity. Emily Blunt, A Quiet Place. And finally, Y/N Y/L/N, 1917." Applause rang throughout the venue at the mention of each person's name and their latest movie. The only thing I could focus on was how amazing my name sounded rolling off Angelina's lips, and how amazing and natural she looked up on the stage. 

What happened next shocked me. "And the Oscar goes to.....Y/N Y/L/N! 1917!" The entire theater erupted in cheers as I sat in my chair, stunned. I barely registered the fact that I had won. I stood up in a daze, hugging all of my friends at my table then walked up the steps. Angelina pulled me into a tight hug when I reached her. "Congrats. You deserve this." She said in my ear as she pulled away, smiling widely. 

She handed me the Oscar and stepped back slightly. I walked towards the microphone. "Um.." My voice sounded much louder up on the stage than I would have thought. "...Wow.." I said, breathless and chuckling slightly as I could hear the laughter. "This is amazing. Truly. I am so grateful to be here. I want to thank my Agent Kelley, and all my friends. I know for a fact that I would not be standing here right now if it wasn't for them. I want to thank our incredible cast and crew, all of you are amazing. I also, just wanted to say thank you to everyone who took a chance on me. I am so grateful for all of you. Cheers." I said, holding the Oscar high. I grinned as everyone cheered  and clapped. I turned to face Angelina, who smiled at me. I held out my arm, and she linked her arm with mine as I walk us off stage. 

Her Co-Star (SPELLING MISTAKES BEING FIXED!)Where stories live. Discover now