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Angelina POV

Y/N walked to the other side of the car and got it. She buckled her seat belt before turning to me with a smile. 

"What would you like to do the rest of the day?" She asked. I shrugged. "Doesn't really matter to me." 

"We could go back to my place and watch movies?" She offered, a hopeful gleam in her eye. I giggled. "That sounds wonderful." She grinned and I started the car.

We arrived a few minutes later back at her place. This time, she opened my door for me. I playfully scowled at her and she just winked. 

She unlocked the front door and let me go in first. "Home sweet home." I heard her say, closing the door.

We both kicked off our shoes and walked to her living room. "Want anything to eat or drink?" She turned to me. 

I shook my head. "No, I'm okay. Thank you though." She flashed me a smile and grabbed the remote.

"What first?" 

After some bickering, we decided on sleeping beauty. Y/N didn't really want to watch "A stupid princess movie", but she caved when I gave her the puppy dog eyes. 

"That wasn't fair. I don't have a secret weapon like that." She huffed like a child, crossing her arms and sitting back into the couch. 

I laughed to myself. "Hey, don't hate on princess movies." I defended my choice. 

She rolled her eyes and looked at me. "I don't need to watch a princess movie when I have a princess sitting right next to me." She said cheekily.

I have to hand it to her, that was pretty good. I felt blush tint my cheeks. "Smooth."

I pressed play on the movie and we sat pretty close to each other as we watched it. Throughout the movie, I could feel Y/N slowly scooching closer to me. Or maybe I was moving closer to her. 

Y/N kept shifting around and it was getting annoying. "Y/N, would you stop moving." I slightly scolded her.

"Sorry! It's the ADHD." My face softened. "It's alright. Is there anything I can do to help you?" 

"Cuddle meeeee." She wined in a baby voice. Now that is her secret weapon. I didn't even need to be told twice. I smiled and moved so that my back was pressed against her side and front. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close. I felt her breath tickle my neck as she nestled her head into it. 

I could easily fall asleep from the position we were in. She was so warm and comfortable. Her arms felt so safe. 

We watched the rest of the movie like this. When it ended, it was almost lunch time. We decided to watch another movie, this time, Y/N picked. She chose Captain America, The First Avenger. 

I'm not the biggest fan of superhero movies, but it makes Y/N happy and that's all that matters to me. It was honestly more fun to watch her watch the movie. The way her eyes lit up and her expression changed when something cool happened. She was so adorable. 

We had shifted positions so that her head was resting in my lap. I smiled as I looked down at her goofy expression. 

I unconsciously ran my fingers through her short, wavy brown hair. I heard her sigh in content when I slightly scratched her scalp with my nails. 

She looked up at me, a cute smile on her face. I giggled and leaned down, pressing a light kiss to her lips. Her smile grew even wider before she turned back to the movie.

Around halfway through the film, I felt Y/N trace random patterns on my upper thigh. It was soothing at first, but then her fingers started to slowly drift down south. Her head was laying on one of my thighs, and her hand was now drifting across my other one, moving towards my center. 

I looked at her face,, but she gave no hint that she knew what she was doing. I tried to concentrate on the TV, but it was getting more and more difficult the more her hand moved. 

Her long, slender fingers were now dancing across the clothed skin of my inner thigh. I inhaled sharply when she just barely grazed my clit. 

"Y/N." I said in a warning tone. I looked down to see the girl laying on me smirk. That fucker. She knew exactly what she was doing.

"What? I'm not doing anything." She tried to play innocent, but I wasn't born yesterday. 

Before I could respond, her finger flicked against my swelling bundle, over my pants. An involuntary moan left my lips. 

"Y/N." I said shakily. 

"Yes, Angel?" She asked, turning her head in my lap to meet my eyes. "Y/N, do not start something you can't finish." I forewarned her, refusing to be teased.

"Who says I won't finish it?" She smirked smugly.

Her fingers ghosted back up my inner thigh and flicked against my core, causing the air to leave my lungs.

"Please..." I said, desperately needing friction. Suddenly, Y/N moved so that she was off the couch, and kneeling on the floor in front of me. I looked at her, surprised.

"Please what? Angelina." She whispered seductively, placing her hands on my knees.

"P-please touch me." I couldn't believe how easily she got me worked up. She hand't even been teasing me for five minutes and I was already dripping and begging for release.

"Patience, Angel." She nudged my legs open before leaning her head down to press kisses to the inside of my clothed legs. 

"I can smell you." She groaned, pressing her nose close to my center. I closed my eyes and sighed at the slight pressure.

Her hands flew to my pants and quickly unzipped and unbuttoned them. I though that she would pull them off as fast as she could, but I was dead wrong. I groaned in frustration as she pulled them down my legs, achingly slowly.  

It felt like hours before my pants were finally off.

"Oh baby..." Y/N whispered, taking in my appearance. My pussy was dripping and I knew there was probably a very large wet spot on my red lace thong.

Y/N licked her lips and I could have just cum from that image.

"Tell me what you want Angel." She gazed into my eyes. Hers were black with lust and I was sure mine looked the same.

"Eat me Y/N."

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