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Angelina lead us to a lounge area where all of the announcers and winners sat around on crisp white couches and drinking champagne. We walked over to a more secluded, quiet corner where a single white couch sat. 

The two of us sat down. I made sure to leave about a foot of distance between us. I set my Oscar on the small table next to the couch. "So, this has been quite the night for you." Angelina started, a hint of amusement and another emotion I couldn't detect. 

I chuckled, taking a sip of my champagne. "Yeah. I still can't believe I won." 

"I'm proud of you. You deserve it Y/N. I loved 1917." 

I turned to her. "You watched it?" I asked nervously, suddenly feeling a bit self conscious. 

She nodded, her signature smirk plastered on her beautiful face. "I did. You were amazing in it." 

I blushed. "Thank you. That really means a lot- especially coming from you." 

She laughed. "Why me?" 

I could feel my face heat up even more. "Well- I mean I guess you could say I'm a really big fan of you and your work. I have a lot of respect for you and so much admiration for all the things you do. You're one of the legends. Your words mean everything to me."

At this, I could see Angelina blush. "Thank you." I smiled at her. 

She and I spent the next half hour talking about our past projects, our hopes for the future, and everything in between. I found myself being fixated by her. Her natural grace and beauty. Her powerful and commanding presence. Her calm on the surface, wild underneath personality. Everything about her is just so...perfect. 

After the show ended, everyone parted ways to head to their respective rides. Over 100 people showed up to Elton John's Oscar party. The night was full of drinking, talking, and laughter. I was able to spend a bit more time with Angelina, but not as much as I would have liked. I had a lot of fun at the party though. I made new friends and talked to a lot of attractive women. None of them seemed to compare to Angelina though. 

At around 12 people started heading home. Most of us had work in the morning and didn't want to be horridly hung over. Kelley and I left the party with smiles on our faces. I drove us home in silence since Kelley had fallen asleep almost as soon as we had gotten in the car. 

About 15 minutes later I pulled into my driveway and got out, choosing to just carry Kelley instead of waking her. It was a struggle, but I was able to unlock the door. I threw my keys in the bowl beside the door, got two water bottles, and headed up stairs with Kelley still in my arms.

I pulled her shoes off of her and tucked her into one of my guest beds. I set down a water bottle and two aspirins next to it on her nightstand for her in the morning. 

I walked into my own bedroom, took off my watch, and stripped off my suit, making sure to nicely drape it over my chair. I put my Oscar down on my dresser and hopped into the shower. 

After showering, I pulled on some boxers and a sports bra and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I woke up the next morning to my alarm blaring and Kelley shouting from her room. "Y/N! Turn that shit OFF! I'm trying to sleep!" 

I laughed and turned it off. I Unplugged my phone and checked my notifications, seeing texts from friends who congratulated me on my win last night. I replied to them before getting out of bed and heading into Kelley's room. "Kells it's time to get up. We need to get ready and eat before the meeting. It's at 1." 

Her Co-Star (SPELLING MISTAKES BEING FIXED!)Where stories live. Discover now