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Angelina was able to calm down enough for us to go to my house so that I could change into fresh clothes. I had to lock her outside of my bedroom so that we wouldn't get distracted. 

"You ready to go get some food baby?" I asked, walking our of my bedroom. The woman smiled at me and nodded. 

"Where do you want to go?" 

"I'm not sure. It's up to you." She made a cute face and I chuckled, leaning down to peck her on the lips before taking her hand in my own. 

"How about Blu Jam? It's not too far from here." I suggested. Her eyes lit up. "Yes! I love that place! Let's go!!!" She started dragging me towards my front door and I laughed.

"Hang on! I need to lock the door." She huffed and let my arm go so that I could lock my house. As soon as I had finished, she latched onto me again and pulled me to her car. 

"And I'm the child in the relationship." I mumbled, laughing to myself. 

"Hey!" She said, turning to me. "Kidding." I said, flashing her a smile that said 'please don't hurt me'. She laughed and rolled her eyes. 

"Get in the damn car Y/N. I'm HUNGRY!"

On the drive to the cafe, Angelina held my hand. It's crazy how just the smallest gesture can make my heart race.

After parking and meeting with the host, we got a table next to the window looking out onto the street. It was a beautiful day, the sky was a vibrant blue and there wasn't a cloud in sight.

"Anything you want Angel. It's on me." She looked like she wanted to protest but I held my hand up to stop her. "This is not up for discussion. I promised you pancakes, and, you treated me to a wonderful date night last night. Let me get this." 

She sighed reluctantly before smiling gratefully. "Fine. Thank you." I flashed her a cheeky grin. "So...I'm free basically the rest of the week....you know...if maybe you wanted to hang out..?" I started, unsure of myself. 

Angelina looked at me, an amused glint in her eye and a cute smirk on her lips. "Relax Y/N. Of course I want to hang out with you." I smiled in relief. 

"Do you want to go on a 3rd date?" I asked nervously. 

"I though that's what this was." She said smirking. Both my eyes and smile widened. 

"Uh-yeah. Well, in that case, would you like to go on a fourth date?" 

She was about to answer, but stopped herself when our waiter approached us. 

"Good morning guys, can I start you off with any drinks this morning?" 

Braden, his name tag said. I smiled at the kid and looked to Angelina, silently telling her ladies first. 

"I'll have a cappuccino, please." 

"Okay, and for you?" He asked, turning back to me.

"Uh, I'll have the same, thank you." I smiled, showing my dimples. He nodded, writing down our orders.

"Are you guys ready to order food, or would you like more time?" 

"I think we're ready...?" I asked, looking to the woman across from me. She signaled yes.

"Okay great! What's on the menu for today?" Braden questioned. "Pancakes please!" Angelina said excitedly. 

I chuckled and winked at her and then ordered my food. 

Braden left, saying our drinks are on the way and our food would be out soon.

"So, uh...back to my question..." I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. 

"Yes." She said simply.

I raised my eyebrows. "Wh-"

"Yes. I would love to go on a fourth date with you. Now close your mouth before you catch flies." We giggled at her joke before switching topics. 

"So what do you think about our characters?" Angelina asked before biting some pancake off her fork.

"I think they are really cool. You're character seems like a total bad ass, and mine kind of seems like an idiot." 

She snorted. "I can't wait to kick your butt."

I playfully glared at her. "Rude. Ugh, I just don't really want to work with Brad." I grumbled, spooning some fruit on top of my pancakes.

The green eyed actress chortled. "What is your issue with him? Your reasoning at the Oscars seemed more like a fleeting excuse than an actual rationale."


She nodded, looking intrigued.

"Because he always talks about you. Whenever we work together he just goes on about Angelina this, she's so hot that. First of all, NO. And second of all, NO." She laughed.

"What do you mean no?" She cocked her eyebrow.

"I mean that I wasn't about to let his mini dick charm you before me. And, I also mean that I wouldn't never, EVER, describe you as just hot. You are so much more than that. It pissed me off that he based his attraction on just a sexual level."

"So, what you're saying is, that you were scared that he would get a chance with me, and you wouldn't?" She asked smugly.

I sighed. "Yes."

"Aw baby!" She grinned at me. I chuckled.

"So is that why you were glaring daggers at him while he hit on me at the Oscars?" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and then leaned across the table on her elbows so that she was closer to me. "Were you jealous?" She spoke lowly.

"W-what...? Me? Pshh..n-no." I sputtered, feeling my face flush.


"Okay fine. Maybe a little. You can't deny that he is attractive." I said defensively, crossing my arms. 

"Eh, not really my type. Besides, he stood no chance as soon as Liz introduced you to me." She gave me a toothy smile.

"Really? What made that happen?" I inquired incredulously. 

"Your smile. It light's up your whole face and shows your adorable dimples."

I blushed and smiled bashfully at her response.

"You were a stuttering mess when I met you and it was so cute." She laughed and I blushed even harder.

We finished our breakfast and I paid the bill, much to Angelina's displeasure. We stood from the table and made our way to the door. As soon as we stepped out of the cafe, we were swarmed with paps shouting questions at us. 

"Y/N! Are you and Angelina dating!?"

"Angelina, do you like Y/N?"

"Y/N, What happened to your face!?"

I laughed at the last question and used it as an opportunity to tease the former model. 

"Angelina kicked my ass in the boxing ring yesterday." Angelina looked at me wide eyed and I smirked at her. She glared at me playfully and swatted my arm. 

The paps were starting to get annoying so I said goodbye to them as Angelina dragged me to her car. 

"Really Y/N?" She turned to me, amusement evident in her eyes. "Hey! Don't hate! I was just giving the people what they want." I smiled smugly at her and patted her cheek.

"You better watch yourself Y/N." She jokingly warned, climbing into the drivers seat after I opened the door for her.

"Yes ma'am."

Her Co-Star (SPELLING MISTAKES BEING FIXED!)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ