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"Holy fuck dude, I'm so not okay! What if I projectile vomit everywhere?!" I panicked as Kelley fixed my bow tie.

Today was the day of Angelina and I's wedding, and I was so unprepared for just how nervous I actually am.

"Dude, chill. You'll be fine. She loves you, you love her, everything will be okay. And please, don't throw up on the cake." I laughed at that and thanked my best friend when she finished my tie.

"Okay, you ready?" I nodded nervously, running my hands through my hair. Kelley slapped my hand away. "Don't mess it up!" She scolded.

I raised my hands defensively. "Sorry! I do it when I'm nervous!"

"Bro, I get that it's your wedding day, and your wife is way out of your league, but you really need to calm down."

"Kelley!" I looked at her, outraged. All she did was throw her head back, cackling with laughter.

"You know I'm kidding. Oop, hang on." My best friend grabbed her ringing phone off the table and answered it.

"Okay, yeah no we are ready, just about to go down. Yeah, okay. Great, thank you."

"Wedding planner?" I questioned. She nodded. "Yeah, she says to go now."

I took a deep breath.

"I'm really proud of you Y/n." Kelley met my eyes in the reflection of the mirror, and we smiled at each other.

"Thank you."

Kelley was my best person, which meant she and I, along with the officiant, Kelley's friend Megan, would all enter from the side isle at the same time. We met Megan in the hallway, and the three of us made our way to the alter.

Funnily enough, Brad is actually one of my groomsmen, along with Jack, Chris, Liz, Johnny, and Leo. Angelina's bridesmaids were Kendall, Taylor, Karlie, Cara, Margot, Ashlyn and her wife Ali, who we've grown close to, and Jack's wife, Tanya.

I grinned at my friends once I took my place, and everyone waited for Angelina to walk down the isle. She and her father had been working very hard to repair their relationship since the birth of Shiloh, so he would be here with us.

I never really had a good relationship with my family, so I just had a lot of friends here with me. However, I do consider every single one of these people to be my family. Sitting in the place where my Mother would be sitting, was non other than Meryl Streep, the woman who had quickly grown to become my mother figure since working with her years ago. Sitting in her lap was Shiloh who was dressed in an adorable tuxedo jumper.

Meryl and her husband were like the parents I never had, and the two of them, along with my other friends and Angelina, helped me through the recovery process nine months ago, and are undoubtedly the reason I stand here today.

A lot has happened in the last four months since our child was born. I'm getting even less sleep than when Angie was pregnant, but I wouldn't trade any of this for the world.

It's been so little time, and judging by how tough things are now with parenting, I don't think they'll get any easier. But Im looking forward to the future.

Another great thing that happened, is since I came forward and gave my statement to the police, two other survivors have admitted to being assaulted by the same woman who touched me.

She's now going to prison for life, and I couldn't be happier. I no longer had to let her affect my life, and can focus solely on my wife and child.

"There she is." Kelley whispered in my ear, nudging my shoulder. I looked toward the back of the room and saw the love of my life walking down the isle, arm and arm with her father.

She looked unbelievably gorgeous. She looked flawless. No amount of words I use could do her justice, and just looking into her dazzling green eyes made me feel week in the knees.

I smiled lovingly at her when she reached her spot. She smiled back and kissed her fathers cheek, who smiled at both of us.

The whole first part of the wedding was a blur, and before I knew it, it was time to say our vows. And I was going first.

I swallowed nervously and met Angelinas gorgeous green eyes.

"Angelina Jolie, you are my everything. You are my best friend. My partner in crime. My biggest supporter. The love of my life. These past few years have been crazy, and never in my life did I think I'd get the chance to be with the woman of my dreams. It seems so long ago now, looking back on the first time we met at the Oscars. I was so nervous around you, but you were so calm and so graceful. From the moment we first spoke, I knew I wouldn't be able to walk this earth without you. You make every single day brighter, and every single day worth living. You have given me immeasurable strength and love, and I am endlessly grateful to have you in my life. I love you so much, and I am so happy that we have come this far, and now we have a complete family, with  a beautiful child, all thanks to you. You will forever and always be the love of my life, and I will push myself to show you how much I love you and Shiloh every single day, until I die."

I hadn't even realized I had teared up until I felt drops slide down my cheeks. Angelina had tears in her eyes as well as she smiled at me with love and admiration.

"Well I'm not sure how to follow that." Everyone chuckled as she wiped her tears away.

"I knew since the day that I met you, that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I don't think I've ever gone a single day without smiling since you've been in my life, and that's a crazy thing to think about. You and Shiloh are my whole world, and I thank my lucky stars every day that I have the privilege of calling you and our gorgeous daughter mine. I don't know where I'd be without you, but I can tell you that I wouldn't be happy. You are such a strong, selfless, loving individual, and I know that Shiloh is extremely lucky to have you as a parent. I love you so much that it hurts, but in the best way. All I can do is think about you all the time, and it makes me crazy, but I can't get enough. I'm not sure where life will take us, but I know that I want to spend every single second of it with you."

I let out something between a laugh and sob, wanting nothing more than to throw my arms around the woman in front of me.

Angelinas god son, and Jacks oldest child, Sam, stepped forward with the rings. I carefully held Angelina's hand, and slid with diamond encrusted band onto her ring finger.

"Let this ring represent my undying promise to love you and our child as long as I live." I said softly.

"Let this ring be a reminder of my endless love and admiration for you, and our family." The brunette smiled and took my left hand, sliding the gold wedding band onto my ring finger.

"I now pronounce you wife and wife, you may kiss the bride."

Without hesitation, I stepped forward and cupped Angelinas cheeks, pressing my lips to hers. I could hear our friends cheering, but it soon faded away, being replaced by the feeling of fireworks that happened every time I kiss this woman.

We were in our own little world, basking in the happiness of this moment.

Never in a million years did I think I'd be here right now, with this amazing person, surrounded by all of these amazing people.

And never in a million years did I think Id marry my co-star, but here we are. I couldn't ask for anything better than this.

We pulled away, keeping our foreheads pressed together as our eyes met.

"I love you." My wife whispered breathlessly, seemingly unable to stop smiling, just like myself.

"I love you too."


Her Co-Star (SPELLING MISTAKES BEING FIXED!)Where stories live. Discover now