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Angelina POV

Neither Y/n or I ate very much, but I'm just happy I got some food in her. I returned to the living room after cleaning up the dishes, to find Y/n sat up on the couch, staring at the wall. The TV was off, and it was deadly quiet in the room. 

If my suspicions were correct, it probably wouldn't be the best idea to try and touch Y/n right now. Victims of sexual trauma can often be afraid of touch after the incident, and I didn't want to make the actor uncomfortable. 

I wasn't really sure what to do. All I know is that if something like that really happened to her, I was going to find whoever did it and beat the living hell out of her. I took a couple of timid steps towards her. 

I carefully sat down on the floor in front of the couch, leaning my back against it. I left a few feet of space between us, just in case, but didn't say anything. I followed Y/n's gaze and found that she was staring at a picture of the two of us. A selfie that we had taken on our one year anniversary. 

It filled me with both happiness, and sadness. Would I ever get the chance to take a picture like that again?

I was so caught up in my thoughts, that I didn't notice the other woman cautiously lower herself down so that she was sitting on the floor, her back leaning against the couch, right next to me. I was surprised at how close we now were, to the point where our legs touched. Y/n kept her gaze on the photo, and I did the same.

After a few moments of silence, she spoke. "That's my favorite picture." Her voice was quiet, but I could hear the happiness behind her tone.

I stayed quiet, silently urging her to continue. "You have the most gorgeous smile I've ever seen. Your eyes light up like a Christmas tree when you're happy. It always makes me happy." I could feel a lump forming in the back of my throat at her words.

"I'm sorry." She said, finally turning to look at me. Her eyes were full of unshed tears, and the sight made my heart hurt. 

"For what?" I asked her, feeling as though she had nothing to be sorry for. None of this was her fault. "For not being honest with you, and not telling you the truth. For being reckless."

She looked down at her lap and picked at her finger nails. "I haven't been cheating on you. I never have cheated on you. I never will cheat on you. I was planning a surprise for you." She paused, probably debating if she should reveal the surprise or not. Instead of saying anything, she reached into her pocket and pulled out a little black box.

In that moment, my heart stopped. "I was going to propose to you, and the girls were helping me plan it. I couldn't show you my phone because it would have ruined the surprise. I know it's not the most romantic way to do it, but...." I watched, frozen with shock, as Y/n carefully got on one knee and opened the box, revealing the most beautiful ring I have ever seen. 

"Angelina, the first time I met you-hell, even before I met you, I thought-and still think-that you are the most gorgeous person to ever exist. You have the biggest, kindest, most selfless, sensitive heart. You are the strongest, smartest person I know, and I wouldn't want to go another day on this earth without being able to calling you my wife. You are my all or nothing. My go big or go home. And I wouldn't have it any other way. So, with that, I ask you, the love of my life, Ms. Angelina Jolie, will you Marry me?"

I hadn't even realized that I was crying. Y/n looked into my eyes with her big, hopeful blue orbs. I didn't even hesitate, or think twice. 

"Yes." I told her softly, my huge grin giving away my excitement. Her face broke out into a dazzling smile, and she let out a relieved laugh, slipping the ring onto my finger. She kissed the top of my hand before looking back up into my eyes. 

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