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The last few months have been hell. More for Angelina than me, but still. Hell. We haven't had sex in like two months, and it was getting to both of us. The actress was just starting her 5 month, which meant she had a considerably big baby bump, which was still growing.

The last visit to the doctor revealed that the baby was expected by around April. Everything is going perfectly, both the baby and Ange are in great health, and I was doing everything in my power to make it stay that way.

Angelina was so not happy about it. She got mad when I did all her chores for her and wouldn't let her get up to get water from the kitchen. As much as she resisted being babied, I knew she loved it. I really felt like this whole experience was making our relationship even stronger, which I didn't really think was possible.

The healing process since the accident five months ago has been a little rough, but I got my cast off two months ago, attending physical therapy, and mental therapy with my partner. Angelina has been my biggest supporter through this whole thing, and it had been kind of hard dealing with it and the fact that she's pregnant. We've managed though. I felt stronger than ever, and it was all thanks to Her.

We had announced to the world last month that we were expecting and engaged, but thankfully, the paps were nice enough to leave us alone. Or me, because I always made Angie stay home when I went to get whatever she wanted.

I was running off of like three hours of sleep right now, considering I had to do like four trips to the store at various times of the night and very early in the morning to get my fiance weird ass food.

I was tired as shit, and extremely sexually frustrated, but I wouldn't trade this for the world. We had gone in to scan what the baby's sex was last week, but both of us wanted to keep it surprise, so we had the doctor tell Kelley.

Besides cuddling and fetching food for the green eyed woman, we've spent the last five months talking to various wedding planners, and have gotten everything sorted out. That was one less thing I needed to worry about, thank god.

It's been hard keeping my pregnant, stubborn, sexy, beautiful- the list goes on- (Almost) wife entertained. I try to keep her in one place as much as possible, not wanting her to fall down the stairs or anything. Call me over protective all you want, but I'm not going to let my goddess and mini god/goddess get hurt.

Lately Angie has been into re watching all the old Disney movies, so I'd set her up with some snacks and water in the bedroom and then catch up on chores, sleep, working out, or eating, before going up to check on her. I keep my phone on me at all times in case she needs me for anything.

At the current moment, it was around four in the afternoon on a Saturday, and the shorter woman was upstairs watching Cars 3, while I was dying of exhaustion on the living room couch. I feel like I shouldn't complain at all, because I'll never know the pain of giving birth, and Angelina is way fucking stronger than me, but good god I haven't had a full night's sleep in so long, and I knew it was going to be like this for a while. Years.

We have yet to pick out a name, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

I flopped face down into the cushions, groaning in annoyance at how bright it was in this damn room.

"Baby?" Angelina called from upstairs. I shot off the bed and ran upstairs with energy I didn't have.

"What's wrong, who's dying, should I call 91-"

"I'm hungry."

"Oh. What-what do you want?"


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