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We sat there in a peaceful quiet for some time, the only sounds that I could hear were Angelina breathing, and the steady beat of her heart against me.

I think a part of me still couldn't believe what had happened. I'm just so thankful that I got out of there before anything happened. I was really scared that my girlfriend  wouldn't want anything to do with me after this whole thing.

Why would she want to have sex with someone who some creepy stranger touched? But the other thing that I found interesting was that unlike how I figured I'd be; hating any physical contact, I crave it even more now. But only from Angelina. She's the only person on this earth capable of healing me, and making all my scars go away.

She's the only person I thought of the whole time that that lady was with me. All I wanted was to be wrapped in the safe arms of my girlfriend, and I can say with absolute certainty, that had it not been for her, I would not have kept fighting. But I knew I had to, simple because I needed to see her. I've never love anyone as much as I love Angelina Jolie.

"I'm sorry." Angelina suddenly said, breaking me out of my trance. I looked down at her, threading my fingers through her long brown hair. "For what darling?"

"I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions and assumed you were cheating. I should have trusted you more. And it wasn't right for me to kick you out. This is your house too Y/n. Don't forget that." 

I smiled at her. "You don't have to apologize. It took you a month to say something. I probably would have exploded by the first week. And besides, you were looking out for yourself, and I respect that. And don't worry about kicking me out. You were angry, and you needed some space. In that moment, it was the right thing to do. Me getting blackout drunk probably wasn't, but hey, potato potato."

Angelina chuckled and kissed my cheek. "And you know I won't forget about my home. You wanna know why?"

The woman in my lap tilted her head inquisitively. "Because you're my home. And no matter what happens, I can't forget you."

"And why is that?" The green eyed woman asked, her voice shaky. I smiled softly and pressed a kiss to her forehead. 

"Because even if I somehow lose my memories, I won't lose you. You're not just in my mind Angelina, you're in my heart. And my heart doesn't forget."

The shorter woman let out a watery chuckle and I gently wiped away her tears with my thumb. "I love you so much Y/n." She whispered, her eyes close and her forehead against my own. 

"I love you too."

-----------next day---------

Angelina and I spent the whole morning dealing with my car and the insurance company, which was so annoying. After lunch, Ange wanted to go to the police so that we could file a report and hopefully get that woman arrested.

They made me write out a whole ass essay, and give a description of the woman before I was allowed to go. It took me a while to write out what happened, and it was pretty damn uncomfortable. 

After that, we got home and updated Kelley, Kendall, Taylor, Cara, and Karlie about what's going on, they were proud of me for coming forward. That kind of gave me an idea. As far as the press and media were concerned, nothing had happened except for a car crash. They had no idea what the full story was. I didn't use social media much, so I wasn't aware what anyone was saying, but I felt that maybe if I spoke out about what happened, I could help other survivors come forward.

I talked to Angie about it, and she loved the idea. So now I needed to clear it past Kelley, and then figure out the best way to go about it. 

"I think that's very brave Y/n. We can release your statement on twitter. Just write it up and tweet it out!"

"Okay, thanks Kells." I said, hanging up the phone. I spent about an hour writing my tweet, wanting to make sure I said everything I felt I needed to say.

@Y/t/n: As I am sure a lot of you are aware, I was involved in a car crash very early yesterday morning. I was very intoxicated at the time of the accident, but there is more to the story, and I want to explain it. Please know that in no way am I trying to justify drunk driving, but there is more to the story. Two days ago, I got into an argument with someone very close to me. She asked me to please leave to give her some space, and I did so. I was upset about the fight, and went to a bar to blow off some steam. This was at around 9:30. I had too many drinks, and cut myself off, and as I was leaving, the bartender took me to a back room at the bar. Without my consent, they went on to touch me and attempt to undress me. I told them multiple times to stop, but they didn't listen.  I managed to get away from them before things got too serious, but I was terrified and alone, and the only thing I wanted to do was get away from there. My intoxication, emotional state, and the weather caused me to veer into the wrong lane, where I was hit by a truck. The truck driver suffered no injuries, and has decided not to press charges. I am working a deal with him to pay for the damage I caused on his vehicle. 

To anyone who is a survivor of sexual assault, I want to tell you that you can do it. You are brave and strong, and you absolutely have what it takes to speak up. I tell my story today in hopes that those who were once, or are still in a position like the one i was in, will come forward and deliver the punishment their abusers deserve. I will be taking legal action against this person, and please, don't be afraid to share your stories. I am here to help in anyway that I can. I have linked several organizations you can donate to or call if you or someone you know is a survivor.

Love you all.

"I'm so proud of you baby." Angelina said, wrapping me in a warm hug. I smiled into the embrace and hugged her back. "I couldn't have done it without you." I told her.

She pulled away and helped me sit back down in my chair. "So I just got off the phone with Dr. Stevens, who said that you'll get your stitches taken out this weekend, and you only need to wear the brace on your ribs for another week. The ankle cast stays on though." I pouted when she said that last part, already hating having to wear it. "Ugh. Fine."

"Your eye is already looking better babe." She said, gently running the pad of her thumb along the bruise. "I still have that scar from when you punched me in the face two years ago." I told her with a smirk. 

"Oh my god, you're never going to let that go, are you?" I shook my head and snickered. "No ma'am. So when is the next appointment for this little guy?" I asked, placing a careful hand on her belly. There was nothing there yet, but I already felt like I knew the kid.


"Mmm I hope they're a boy." I said, just wanting to see what my girlfriends reaction would be. She narrowed her eyes at me. "Well I want a girl. Or a non binary baby. I love gender non conforming people."

I nodded in agreement. "Do you think they'll be intersex?" I asked, curiously. Angelina shrugged. "I'm not sure. But whoever our kid is, or chooses to be, I'm going to love them endlessly." She got a dreamy look in her and and I chuckled at her cuteness. "I know you will. And so will I. Speaking of a child, we should start on the nursery soon. We can turn the guest bedroom into it."

The actress nodded. "I'm so excited! But we also need to plan the wedding!" 

"Shouldn't that happen after the kid?" 

"Ugh. Fine."

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