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"Y/N LET'S GO! THOSE WEIGHT'S WON'T LIFT THEMSELVES!" Alshyn said loudly while clapping like an angry middle aged white woman. 

I blinked slowly. I don't even know how long I had been standing there. 

"Uh y-yes Ma'am!" I said, trying to figure out what the fuck was going on. Angelina got me feeling some type of way.

I jogged over to one of the benches and grabbed two fifty pound dumbbells. I walked by Angelina, who was currently doing weighted squats. 

"You fucking tease." I said lowly in her ear, my voice raspy. 

I heard her chuckle and saw a smirk grow on her face. "You love it. Now lift those weights Y/N."

I didn't have a comeback because fuck she's right. I do love it. I sighed and went over to the bench and began to do reps.

Angelina and I spent a good hour doing both body weight exercises and exercises with weights. 

"You ready for boxing Y/N?" Ashlyn asked, walking over to me. I nodded, finishing my 25th pull up before hopping down.

"Okay cool, follow me and we will get you a partner. Angelina your workout is finished, amazing job. Oh actually, how would you feel about boxing Y/N?"

An evil smile broke out on the woman's face and a sense of dread filled me. Why do I feel like I'm about to get my ass kicked?

The three of us went over to the large boxing ring and got ready to fight. We wrapped our hands, put on our helmets, and but on groin protectors. 

"Please don't kick me in the dick." I said, slightly terrified. 

She chuckled. "Don't worry honey. Just worry about protecting your face."

I gulped. 

"Aw man she boutta kick yo ass!" 

I rolled my eyes. "Not helping Ash! Besides! You're not supposed to pick sides! You're the ref!"

"Oh yeah."

"Fuck." I muttered.

"Okay Angelina! You are red! Y/N, Blue! Blue left red right!" The two of us went to our spots in the ring, slipping our mouth guards in. I honestly really didn't want to fight Angelina. I'm not about to hit a girl. 

Especially not Angelina. She apparently had other plans though because as soon as Ash blue her whistle and stepped back, she was swinging her fists left and right. 

I felt a dull pain in my stomach as her fist collided with my abs. I grunted when her other one slammed into my shoulder. 

I blocked myself pretty well put I absolutely refused to fight back. I'd rather be Angelina's punching bag then hurt her, even if it's just a game. 

"Y/N FIGHT BACK! She's killing you man!" I heard Ashlyn yell.

Both of us were panting but I still heard Angelina giggle at Ash's words. 

She continued to throw punches at me and one caught me above my eye, splitting my eyebrow. The other got me in the nose, and I felt blood slowly pour from it. 

"Time! Round over! Go to your corners and get some water! I think that was enough for today. Angelina pulled away. I felt blood trickle down the side of my face. I closed my eye, trying to prevent the blood from getting in it. 

"Oh shit Y/N are you good?" Ashlyn asked, walking over to me. "Yeah, nah I'm fine."

Angelina turned and when she saw me, a look of horror washed over her face. 

Her Co-Star (SPELLING MISTAKES BEING FIXED!)Where stories live. Discover now