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Angelina POV

I felt like shit for kicking Y/n out, but I was also really mad at her. Why can't she just give me some sort of proof? Was she really throwing away two years of our relationship for someone else? I honestly don't know what to think, but deep down, I feel like Y/n wouldn't do that. She's just not that type of person. Plus, considering the news I got a few weeks ago, I'm not sure I could even handle any kind of break up right now. 

Kendall Jenner on the other hand, she's made some pretty lewd comments about my girlfriend in the past. We weren't together then, but still. Maybe she made a move on Y/n. Y/n's one of those people who's too nice to outright reject someone. 

It pisses me off sometimes because girls won't stop hitting on her, and she'll just take it because she doesn't want to be 'mean'. Damn her for being such a good person.

As soon as I heard her car pull away, the tears broke free. I cuddled up in our bed with her pillow, her scent still fresh on it from this morning, simultaneously calming me down and making me cry harder. I clutched her pillow to my stomach, wanting to feel safe. I always felt safe in Y/n's arms. 

I really hoped this wasn't the end of us. I'm not sure I'd be able to move forward without Y/n. She's the love of my life, and I don't want to grow old with anyone but her. I feel I would be less angry if I wasn't in the situation I'm in. But she doesn't know yet. 

I couldn't sleep at all. Every time I looked at the clock, it's like no time passed. I tossed and turned for hours, wondering where Y/n was. She hadn't texted me at all, and I just hoped to god she was safe at a hotel or something. A part of me wondered if she was fucking another woman, but I shut down that thought, feeling guilty for even considering that.

Still though, something felt off. I sighed, my eyes dried and crispy from crying, and looked at my phone. It was about 12:30, and I was no where near tired. Something kept nagging me in the back of my head, but I couldn't figure out what it was. 

Maybe I should call Y/n? Make sure she's okay? She's probably sleeping. She probably doesn't want to talk to me. Or...god for bid...she's with Kendall. 

Don't think like that. You love Y/n, and she loves you. I chided myself. I sat on the edge of our bed, feeling like something was seriously wrong. After a few minutes of internal arguing, I caved and called my girlfriend, crossing my fingers in hopes that she'd pick up. I debated on whether or not I should tell her, but I decided against it, wanting to tell her in person. 

"Hey this is Y/n, I can't come to the phone right now because I'm probably cuddling with my beautiful  girlfriend, but leave a message."

I let out an involuntary sob at the sound of her voice. "Y/n, I'm not sure where you are...but I just want to make sure you're safe, okay? Please call me back." It was obvious that I was crying, but I didn't care. I just wanted her home with me.  Our fight seemed so stupid now.

I set my phone down on my nightstand and walked into the bathroom to wash my face. As I was wiping it with a towel, I heard my phone vibrating, indicating someone was calling me. Thinking it was Y/n, I ran to grab it. The caller ID wasn't my girlfriends though. It was an unknown number. I answered it, thinking maybe it was her hotel room phone number or something.


"Hi, is this Angelina Jolie?" A woman asked.

"Uh, yes, it is." I felt on edge. Something wasn't right.

"You're listed as Y/n Y/l/n's emergency contact, and we are calling to let you know that she has been in a car accident."

My heart dropped to my feet and my blood ran cold. 

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