Chapter 12

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"I'm dressed," Caroline says, sitting next to Caleb.

Caleb wraps a blanket around her shoulders. "What happened?"

"I had my distance, like you said, when Nathan came up, yelling at me. I hurried towards the water, hoping Percy would leave me alone, and I could find safety. He took my hand and pulled me under and away from the shore..."

Caleb's eyebrow shot up. "And then? You can't hold your breath forever. How long were you under?"

She looks away. "For a few minutes..." She bites her lip. "So... he may have put his mouth around mine, and I breathed through him."

Caleb's eyes bulge. He grabs her shoulders. "He kissed you?!"

Caroline brings his arms down. "Caleb. He was protecting me. He sort of explained before he did. He only held my upper arms and apologized after and even asked if it felt like he violated me. He didn't."

He rubs his forehead. "I shouldn't have let you out-"

"Caleb, we now know more about him, though. He's just worried about Muriel and acted tough to make sure that you told him everything about Muriel. He's not going to hurt me. If anything is going to happen, he'll protect me," Caroline says, squeezing his hand.

Caleb looks away. "If his lips dare touch yours-"

Caroline frowns and covers his mouth before he can say anything else. She sends him a look. "It wasn't a kiss."

"Your lips touched. Your mouths were open-"

"He was making sure I didn't drown!" She hits her head against his shoulder.

Caleb puts an arm around her.

"So if you can't go, I will. I gave him all the attitude, and he did nothing to me. I even got to know him a little."

Caleb looks at him. "Please tell me you're not developing feelings for him."

She snickers. "No. But he's sweet. Caleb, trust me. He had all the chance in the world to do anything to me. After my clothes were wet, he only focused on my face. He only ever touched my arms. And I can judge character."

"I never said you couldn't," Caleb whispers. He gives a long sigh. "Fine. If he shows any inclination to hurt or do anything else to you, you're never going back. And you're only going instead of me." He stands. "You should get some sleep."

"Mm hm," she whispers.

He leans over to hug her. "Goodnight, Caroline."

"Goodnight, Caleb."

He kisses the top of her head before leaving.

The next morning Caroline remembers to have the slightly awkward conversation with Muriel.

In the afternoon, Muriel has a brief moment of being alone in the garden. She lets out a long sigh.

"Greetings, Princess Muriel," a male voice says.

Muriel looks up to see the twins.

Their skin is light brown, and their hair, black.

She frowns slightly and grabs their ears.

"Ow ow ow. What did we do?" Aban whispers, holding her wrist.

Muriel bites her tongue.

Aidan pulls out a shell.

Muriel's eyes grow wide, recognizing it as the shell her voice is trapped in.

He takes a step back. "Try and take it, Minerva will wreak havoc on your precious prince's kingdom. Just place your hand on, and we can hear you."

Choices Affect Everyone COMPLETENơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ