Chapter 17

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Princess Katherine steps out. Her silky pink dress immediately brushes against the dirt. Her brown hair is done up simply, and a gold tiara lays on her hair. She smiles politely as her brown eyes scan the four standing there. Her eyebrows arch slightly when she lays an eye on Muriel. She moves forward.

The king steps forward and kisses her hand. "Princess Katherine. I'm pleased to see you arrived safely. Where is your father?"

"He will be here tomorrow. I decided to come early."

The king nods and leads her to the queen. "This is my queen."

"Your Majesty," Princess Katherine says, curtsying.

The queen also curtsies. "We were pleased to hear you were coming. We have not seen you since your christening. Your father has spoken about how accomplished you are."

She smiles and gives a nod.

"This is my son, Prince Philip," the king says, moving down the line.

Philip kisses her hand as she curtsies. "I hope your travels here went well."

She nods. "They did, thank you." Her eyes glance over him for a second. "My father mentioned you were growing up to be handsome but was never able to articulate how handsome."

Philip chokes on his spit but quickly clears his throat.

"Are you all right?" she asks. "I'm sorry, I think I've embarrassed you. Are you not comfortable with compliments?"

"It depends from whom and in what context. I have had many a lady tell me that I am handsome. It grows tiresome at some point."

She smiles. "Most of the princes I've encountered like when I compliment their looks before they do the same to me. It's refreshing to know that I'm not just a figure to look at."

Philip nods. "I hope during your stay we can get to know each other, not just stare at how the other looks."

Princess Katherine covers her mouth and giggles a little. She smiles and gives a nod.

Muriel swallows when they end up in front of her.

"This is our guest, Miss Muriel," the king says.

They curtsy to one another. "How do you do?" Princess Katherine asks.

Muriel swallows and gives a nod.

"I'm sorry, she can't speak," Philip says.

Princess Katherine blinks a few times, seemingly confused as to why she would be in the palace. She forces a smile. "I see. I'm sorry, I didn't know."

Muriel nods.

"Well, getting to know one another may be difficult, but I hope we can be friends by the end," she says.

Muriel nods again and forces a smile.

Philip steps forward and offers his arm. "Would you like me to show you around?"

Princess Katherine smiles and takes his arm. "I'd like that."

Muriel stands there and watches, half waiting for him to ask her if she wishes to come along. It never happens. She watches as they enter the palace together. Her shoulders droop slightly, and she looks away. She swallows.

Caroline quickly steps forward and takes her arm. "Come," she whispers.

Muriel follows, feeling confused. She feels where Philip had kissed her cheek.

"He's just being polite," Caroline says.

Muriel looks at her before looking away.

Caroline sits Muriel in the library and fetches her a cup of tea. "What's wrong?"

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