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Avani rubbed her eyes and sat up as the beaming light blinded her eyes.

She groaned, was she dead? Could this be Heaven?

No, it can't be. If it was Heaven, she wouldn't feel the pain anymore.

The pain of her step-mother disowning her.

The pain of her mother, dying before she could say her first word.

The pain of her stomach, threatening to toss more waste up her throat.

Avani sobbed.

"No more...please, I don't want anymore..."

Her tears watered the earth she was sitting on, making flowers bloom.

She sniffed.

Avani got up and looked around, this wasn't her little corner by the roads...

This was a rainforest.

She walked over to a tree and stared.

It was beautiful.

The bark was smooth and young, reminding Avani of her own dark hair. The branches stuck out, long and proud. The leaves, big and fearless, rose from the branches and stood out.

This is where I belong, thought Avani.

But, too soon, a piece of plastic was thrown at the tree, making it die immediately.

The wood dried up and shrunk, the leaves turned grey and crumbled, and the branches snapped off.

She looked at the plastic and picked it up.

The plastic burned Avani's hand and she dropped it, yelping in pain.

Suddenly, fire lit up from the plastic, making its way to the beautiful nature.

"No!" Avani screamed, but it was too late.

The tall trees were burnt, many had fallen on animals' homes, killing many of them, birds fled over the blazing fire, trying to escape.

Then, she saw an outline of a boy behind the flames.

Almost as soon as he appeared, he disappeared.

Avani stood there, watching the forest burn, tears streaming down her cheeks.

As soon as the first tear dropped to the blazing flames, the fire died out.

Avani gasped.

"All I have to do is to keep crying..."

But she couldn't cry anymore, she was too happy about the fact that she could save this forest.

She tried to think about her step-mother, her sickness, she even tried to scratch herself.

It didn't work anymore.

Feeling hopeless, her eyes started to water again, but this time, Avani knew that if she thought about the positive side, they'd go away.

So she thought about the worst.

Nobody likes you, Avani. 

I bet your mother died because she hated you so much.

The only reason why you have friends is because- wait, you have no friends!

You should go do yourself a favor and kill yourself.

Heartbreak is what you deserve.

All of the things that they said came to her head and drowned her.

Thankfully, most of the fire has died out due to her tears.

Avani sighed, what if all those things were true?

She blinked her tear onto her hand and flung it towards the fire.

Then suddenly, she felt a strong force that pulled her to the sky.

Her heart started beating faster as she floated towards the clouds.

Then she saw a girl.

Her skin was as pale as the clouds, her hair was platinum blonde....but the roots were black.

Her back was turned towards Avani, so she couldn't get a good look at her face, but she heard sobs.

She was about to approach her as the strong force pulled her away.

Avani flew over the oceans, but to only meet another mysterious human.

He was floating on the surface of the salt water with light sandy hair and the lightest blue eyes.

But he soon dived into the deep waters and never came back up.

Avani soared across the world, across the deserts, the forests, and the oceans.

Then she came across a country.

It wasn't even a country, it was a garbage dump filled with wastes like plastic, used batteries, and wires.

Her heart sank to her feet.

She saw people, innocent people who were living in this country, dying because of the amount of garbage and how poor they were.

Her tears formed in her eyes again.


This wasn't the end.

Sniffing, Avani kept her head held high, she took one last look at the country and flew away.

She will save Earth and everyone on it.

And that's a promise.

Avani Earthborn   |:|TEL-1|:|  ✔Where stories live. Discover now