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Avani didn't dare to look up, but when she finally did, she saw so many things.

Azalea's eyes were filled with sorrow and shock, but all Razor's were filled with rage.

Rage, rage, rage.

"She's what?!"

Avani's heart sped up. "I-I can explain-"

"Did you know this?!"

Avani whimpered. "Y-yes..."

Razor looked like he could kill. He took several deep breaths.

Jaxson smirked.

Oh, he's enjoying the show isn't he.

"Oh yeah, and you know who killed her?" Jaxson said.

Azalea took a shaky breath. "D-don't tell me it was Avani."

"S-she wouldn't do such a thing..." Razor mumbled.

"Oh she would," Jaxson said.

"What?!" Avani exclaimed. "Jaxson you bastard! Stop framing me! It wasn't-"

"Then who did it?"

The room fell silent.

"I-I can't say..."

Azalea raised an eyebrow. "So it was you. I mean, I know that Paytra wasn't the best but jeez, she had a family!"

Tears filled Avani's eyes. "P-please, it wasn't-"

"I thought of you as a friend, Avani. Maybe even something more," Razor scoffed. "Looks like you're just like everyone else. Every human else."

Azalea nodded. "I guess Avani wouldn't understand the importance of family since she doesn't have one-"

Avani growled.

Everyone in the room froze.

Azalea's face was filled with confusion, Razor's hate, and Jaxson's amusement.

"...As I was saying, Avani's mother- wait she never had-"

Azalea was met by a fist.

Avani's fist to be exact.

Azalea fell backwards. "What the hell?!"

Razor got into his defensive position. "Avani, listen-"

"No you listen!" Avani shrieked. "I tried to explain, I tried to tell you, I tried to. But you know what you did? You believed and trusted Jaxson instead. You trusted the enemy and the things that came out of his mouth instead of your own friend's! A-and when she got to the family part...I-I-"

The tears in Avani's eyes came flowing out.

"A-Avani-" Azalea started.

"Oh! This was so entertaining that I forgot about the real reason I summoned you!" Jaxson said.

All eyes glared at him.

"Today is the day, my dear friend Razor."

Razor's face paled and Jaxson smirked. "You should be able to guess what you're going to have to do."

"Razor? What is he talking about?" Azalea questioned.

"S-since Paytra's...gone," he looked at Avani, "I-I have to decide if I'm going to...take her job."

Azalea gasped and Avani stared at the ground.

Avani knew what was going to happen next.

"So, Razor, being the great cousin that I am-"

"Jaxson is your cousin?!"

Jaxson smirked.

Azalea looked between Avani and Razor. "...Did you not tell her...?"

Avani's breathing fastened. Why didn't they tell her?

"Look, Avani, I-" Razor started.

Avani held up her hand. "I can't..."

Razor nodded.

Jaxson rolled his eyes. "Anyways, as I was saying. Being the great cousin that I am, I'm here to do the great honors of asking the most important question today.

Razor Novole, will you accept your new element and vow to protect it until your last breath?"

Avani looked down. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

"...c-can I ask one last question?" Razor stuttered.

Jaxson pretended to think hard for a second. "I don't see why not."

"...Who really killed my sister?"


Horrid crept up Razor's face.

Azalea fainted.

Jaxson laughed in response. "So baby cousin, yes or no to the question of the day?"

Avani Earthborn   |:|TEL-1|:|  ✔Where stories live. Discover now