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Four hours.

That's how long it took them to fly up to Paytra's castle.

And all Azalea did was tease Razor and Avani about how they should really go out sometime.

Avani didn't disagree.

Razor didn't either.

Instead, they talked about useful things.

Like icecream and their favourite flavours.

And their families, though Razor didn't say much.

And their most embarrassing moments.

But soon, too soon, they arrived at Payta's castle.

Avani didn't realize she was holding her breath until Razor spoke up.

"Avani...? You look like you're dying..."

Azalea immediately slapped him playfully. "Razor!"

Avani laughed. "No, no. I do feel like dying, so I wouldn't blame him."

They both nodded.

Razor laughed. "I would be concerned if you weren't feeling that way. Paytra...she had that effect on people sometimes."

What? Avani thought. That's not...possible. How...?

Avani started to get an uneasy feeling as they pushed open the double doors to the castle.

"Nothing's changed since I left," Razor commented.

"I- um...Razor? When did you..leave?" asked Avani.

"Well, I visited just over a week ago."

That was when Paytra was still alive.

Avani looked down as they walked up the stairs

"Wait," Razor said and held up his hand. "Something's not right. It's awfully quiet in here."

I wonder why.

Avani let out a whimper, not knowing what Razor will think of her after he finds out the truth.

Razor's head snapped over to her. "What's wrong?"

Avani shook her head. "I-I'm fine."

Razor engulfed her in a hug. "Don't worry, it'll be fine."

Azalea smiled. "Awww."

"Shut up, Azalea," Razor snapped.

Azalea giggled. "Only if you say you love Avani."

"What how is that-"

"Do it or else I'm gonna sing in the shower-"

"Azalea! You know how everyone's ears bleed when you-"


Both heads turned to Avani.

"We're here for a reason."


They got up the final steps of the stairs and stopped in front of a golden window.

"...So...What now?"

Razor aughed. "Now we go through."



Razor pressed the palm of his hand onto the window, then it dissolved, leaving Avani dumbfounded with the scene in front of her.

It was a throne room, but also a bedroom.

The throne was covered in plastic, but it was beautifully arranged and painted, the bed had a fishing net over it, but was painted gold, so it really looked like a bed net.

And the rest of the scene, Avani couldn't even describe.

"Woah, I haven't been here for so long I forgot how awesome it looked." Azalea looked around, just as amazed and Avani.

"I wonder how much pain they took to make this," Avani whispered.

Azalea bursted out laughing. "Oh, let's not forget about the amount of plastic-"

"Where's Paytra?"

Avani looked at Razor.

Razor was running around the room with a frantic look on his face. "Where the hell is she?"

Suddenly, a shadow came out of the closet.

"Looking for the dead won't get you anywhere, Razor."


It chuckled. "Oh, I see. My dear Avani haven't told you about what she witnessed the day that Datura went away, did she?"

Avani knew that voice too well. "I-I-"

"Avani, what is he talking about?!"

Azalea stepped in. "Razor, you know better than to trust this random person over Avani-"

"Oh, but Azalea, I'm not random. Can't you see? This place is alive because of me."

"Where and what have you done with Paytra?!"

The shadow emerged from the dark. "Being a good brother, aren't you?"

Azalea gasped and Razor's eyes widened.

"I-it can't be. Y-you're dead!" Azalea shouted.

He laughed darkly. "Well, my dear. Datura wasn't as strong as she showed, eh? Her weapons were a pity-"

"You don't talk about Datura like that!"

Avani realized what she just did and covered her mouth.

He smirked. "Well, well, well. If it isn't the famous 'Lady Earthborn'. None of this would've happened if you just told your loyal and kind friends what was really happening."

"You threatened to kill-"

"Now now, we don't talk about our usual meetups, we had an agreement, now didn't we?"

Azalea and Razor stared at Avani. "What usual meetups?!"

Avani felt rage bubble in her blood. How dare he frame her like that?

"Anyways! Enough about Avani," he spat her name as if it was venom. "Let's get to business-"

"Not until you tell me where the hell my sister is."

Jaxson laughed. "Do you not get it?"

Razor frowned. "Stop playing games! Just tell me-"

"Isn't life just a gambling game, Razor? Does it mean anything to live?"

"Why are you bringing this up?!" Azalea screamed. "Just get to the damn point!"

"I'll let Avani tell you."

All eyes were on her.


Avani felt like crying.

She felt like curling up in a ball and hiding.

But she had to face the truth.

"Paytra- I um-" her voice shook.

"Cat got your tongue, Avani?" Jaxson smirked.

Avani shot him a glare but all she got back was a hand motion, saying, 'go on.'

"Wait wait wait, hold up," Razor said. "So you're telling me...that Avani knows and she can't tell us?"

Avani's heart boomed. "No! I just- I-"

"Well then tell us!" Azalea pleaded.

Avani gulped.

This is a dead end, Avani. Doomed if you do, doomed if you don't.

Wow. that line seems to come up a lot these days.

Avani looked down. "Paytra- she's-"

She took a deep breath.

"Paytra's dead."

Avani Earthborn   |:|TEL-1|:|  ✔Where stories live. Discover now