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Avani transformed from her usual appearance of looking homeless to looking fabulous.

She tied her hair up into a messy bun and changed out of her burnt and ripped clothes into a fancy shirt and leggings with a simple snap.

She turned around and saw a girl pointing a dagger at her.

"Who are you and why are you here?"

Avani lifted her hands up. "I-I just-"

"Lemme guess," the girl interrupted. "You don't know why you're here but you woke up and you ended up in the clouds."

Avani scrunched her eyebrows together and nodded.

The girl lowered her dagger and smiled.

"I'm Azalea. I practically own the skies. Well, I control the winds and stuff, but this is basically my home."

Avani tilted her head to one side. "So you mean that there's other people out there who...could also control...nature?"

Azalea grinned. "Oh, of course. But some of them, you have to watch out for. Some of them fight against nature with their powers instead."

Azalea was beautiful. Her platinum blonde hair reflected a light shade of pink and purple. Her eyes were dark pink with a tint of dark purple. Her skin was pale, just a few shades lighter than Avani.

Avani felt like a dumpster standing next to Azalea. Azalea glowed. Avani probably looked like a goat.

"So, you haven't told me your name yet."

"Huh..? Oh, I'm Avani."

At the mention of her name, Azalea's eyes glazed over for a second and went back to normal.

If anyone would notice, it would be Avani.

"So, Avani, what do you do?"

Avani was taken back. "What do I do?"

"Oh, you know." Azalea shrugged. "What do you have control over?"

"Earth, plants, trees, you know, that stuff."

"Oh," Azalea said. "I probably would've guessed."


What did she mean she probably would've guessed?

Azalea started opening up about her past.

Avani found out the Azalea was abandoned by her family, but she just got used to it.

She said that she felt better without them, anyway. Her family was always forcing her to do thing, not allowing her to do what she wanted. She said that they felt like an anchor to her.

Azalea has asthma. She said that she thinks that it's caused by the air pollution from the humans but she's not sure. It could be just normal asthma.

She's been out here for a while now.

Azalea explained that the only way to save your element was to fight.

There was no other way.

Azalea said that they were not human. They were something else.

They were something that was created to keep the Earth in balance; in harmony.

But with humans alive...the world is everything but harmony.

You had to fight for peace, fight for harmony, and fight for justice.

Azalea's eyes glazed over with hatred when she mentioned how her dog got run over by a car and all the driver said was, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to!"

"Words," Azalea spat. "they're just words. Words can never change reality."

Her best friend was picking up garbage around her neighbourhood when she had a seizure.

"No one even looked twice at her," Azalea scowled. "They just passed her and pretended they saw nothing. They probably think 'oh someone else will help her'. She died, Avani! She died! She was the only one who cared for me and she's gone!"

Azalea cried angry tears.

"From them on, I locked myself out. Anyone who talked to me or wanted to talk to me got one thing; a broken neck."

She said that humans were merciless.

They didn't care about anyone but themselves.

"There was no way they're going to make a difference when they're the reason why this madness even started. If you think that you can convince the world that they're walking towards their own deaths, then you're wrong."

They're creating something that only humans were capable of doing.


They thought they're doing it for the better.

They thought technology could fix everything.

But their thoughts are wrong.

Avani looked at Azalea. "So...what do we do?"

Azalea's hateful eyes lifted and looked at Avani.

"We fight."

Avani Earthborn   |:|TEL-1|:|  ✔Where stories live. Discover now