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"You think I'll weak enough to die 'cause of some stupid magic arrows? You wish."

Avani's heart was pounding. "What the hell do you want?!"

Jaxson smirked. "You know what I want."

She looked down to her stone. "You're not taking this. You can't."

"Oh but I can. I have the blessing of Paytra-"

"Paytra's dead."

Jaxson turned dangerously silent. "Say it again."

"Paytra. Is. Dead."

Without warning, Jaxson threw his fist at Avani's face and she fell backwards.

"You do not speak of her like that! She is not dead-"

"I saw it."

He growled. "What the hell you do mean you saw it-"

"I saw her die."

"And you did nothing to help?!"

"She wants me. She wants to rule the world. I can't let her do that. The world does whatever it wants. It's free."

Jaxson kicked Avani and she hugged her stomach. "Azalea! Help!"

She heard Jaxson laugh. "Azalea, who?"

Avani lifted her head to where Azalea was sitting before, but she was gone.

"What did you do?!"

"Nothing you need to worry about. Now tell me, who killed Paytra."

Avani had the nerve to smirk. "So you believe that she's dead."

That just got Avani another punch in the face.

"Let me ask you again. Who. Killed. Her."

Avani thought about Datura.

How she cried and cried after pulling the trigger.

How she was willing and did give her life for others.

A loyal shy girl who died fighting.

Who died fighting proud.

"Me. I killed her."

Jaxson tensed up. "You selfish little-"

"But you would stand no chance against me, Jaxson. The best you can do is maybe give a small bruise."

He laughed. Laughed like a maniac. Laughed as if his life depended on it. "But that's what you think."

Avani tried to summon the nature to attack him, but all she got was another laugh from Jaxson.

"What did you do?!"

"Ah, yes. The same questions, over and over again."

He grabbed a piece of sharp wood and impaled Avani in the arm. She screamed in agony.

"Oh, yes. Your screams are like music to my ears."

Avani tried to calm down, but all she could think about was how unfairly Datura was judged.

How unfairly people treated the world.

How unfairly people treated each other.

Avani's eyes began to darken again when Jaxson said, "Oh, and Avani? If you tell your little boyfriend this, I will tear him apart, piece by piece until there's nothing but blood and broken bones."

He pulled out the wood and disappeared.

Avani looked at her arm.

It wasn't bleeding anymore.

It didn't even look scratched.

There was no evidence at all that Jaxson was even here.



Her head whipped towards the door, her eyes finding a concerned Razor. "I heard you screaming, what happened?"

"I-" Avani thought about Jaxson's threat. "-just slipped and it kinda hurt."

Razor narrowed his eyes, not buying her lie. "Where's Azalea?"

Avani gulped. How was she going to get out of this one?

"She...disappeared. Again. I went for because...I needed air. And when I came back, she disappeared."

Razor raised an eyebrow and nodded. "'Kay. Well, we need to find her-"



"Not unless you explain everything."


Avani made a gesture with her hands, saying "go on".

Razor took a deep breath. "Here goes nothing...

I was born into a rich family. I had it all. Money, popularity, looks. Everything. Until one day, one man came to my school, claimed that he was my dad. But when I got to the office, he grabbed me and teleported us into his car. He told me 'Razor, you are one of the most important people on this planet. Every choice you make matters. In the end, you will have to make a choice that'll cost you everything no matter what you choose.' and just like that, he disappeared and left me alone in his car. The next thing I know, I'm in the middle of nowhere, faced with a monster. Everyday I fought and fought the most random things from humans to dirt. Until one day, I finally found Azalea. She guided me through my problems and helped me train to become a better fighter. That's when Datura joined. She was so innocent and small at the time. Always afraid to speak up, to share her ideas. Nothing like who she is now. Well...was. With the help of everyone, she became powerful, fearless, and a warrior. 

And I can still remember this day as if it was imprinted into my brain. It was a few weeks ago. I met the sister I never knew I had."

Avani saw Razor tense up. "Y-you don't have to continue if you can't-"

"Her name is Paytra."

Avani froze.


"It's over Paytra. Be gone"

"Razor couldn't have done it."

"I'm sorry, Razor."


His sister.


But he didn't know.

Paytra. Even just hearing that name gave Avani a pounding headache.

"S-she gave me a ring. And that's it. There was a message in it. It said 'In three months, you'll face your fate.'"

Razor swallowed. "It's probably about the choice I need to make."

Avani felt a tear threatening to escape. She didn't know Razor had all that bottled up.

Then she did something she'd never thought she'd do.

She pulled him into a hug.

She felt him hesitated but soon felt his arms circle around her.

"Whatever it is, we'll go through it together."

He smiled. "Thanks, Avani. You're the best."

Not until you figure out what really happened, thought Avani. But until that day, just let me enjoy this hug.

Avani Earthborn   |:|TEL-1|:|  ✔Where stories live. Discover now