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Azalea looked at Datura. "Outside. Now."

Datura's eyes turned from confident to frightened within seconds, but she followed Azalea out the door.

And that left Razor and Avani alone.

Avani tried to distract herself, looking around the room even if there weren't much to see, picking at the dirt in her fingertips.

"You know you don't have to hide it."

Wow, first sentence to me and that comes out.

"Huh?" Avani looked at Razor.

His eyes were no longer pinkish purple, the same as Azalea's. They now had a mix of blue in them.

But just a tiny bit.

"I said you don't have to hide it." Razor's eyes pierced into Avani's.

"I have no clue what you're talking about," Avani said with the exact same tone.

Razor just sighed and shook his head. "You ran away from your step family because they disowned you, you ended up homeless and some random stone fell in front of you and started making you do things, you went on this random mission thing, and then you found Azalea. Correct?"

Avani gaped. "H-how-"

He laughed. "I know more than you think."

"Did Azalea tell you?"

Razor stared into Avani's soul. "What do you think?"

Avani broke the intense eye contact and looked down.


The door opened and Azalea and Datura walked in.

Datura looked shaken up and Azalea wore a mask to hide her emotions.

Avani looked at Razor.

And for the first time she's met him, he was smiling.


It's been days since Datura and Razor mysteriously disappeared.

Days since Avani and Razor had their first conversation.

Days since Avani always got that uneasy feeling in her stomach.

Azalea and her wandered among the forests, picking up and destroying garbage.

But of course, this was a never ending process.

Every night when Avani went to sleep, she would dream of Datura and Razor.

But mostly just Razor.

Avani thought that she might have a crush on him but that wasn't all of the feelings.

It was an uneasy feeling.

It made her feel...


As if something bad was going to happen if he appeared again.

She dreamt once that they were under attack.

She died.

But that wasn't the part that bothered her.

It was the fact that Razor was the one who killed her.

That night, she woke up bathed in cold sweat.

She never thought she would feel attraction towards anyone.

Avani Earthborn   |:|TEL-1|:|  ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora