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Avani did some quick thinking on the spot.

If there is a tornado coming at you at a pace of 10km/hour, then she definitely won't have enough time to convince someone to let her into the house's basement to hide.

No, she had to do something she'd thought she'd never have to do.

She'd have to-


That's when she remembered.

""Follow the guidance of the winds and the skies, but be aware, letting them push and pull you in is different from seeing the lights," " Avani mumbled to herself.

Well this was what he meant, right?

Avani groaned.

"I don't really have to jump into that tornado, right?!"

The tornado was about two feet away from Avani, she had to think fast.

It's rather she jump in and let fate decide what happens next, or she...

Well there really isn't another option.

The closer the tornado got to Avani, the brighter the mysteriously shaped stone shined.

"Well I guess this is a sign..." Avani was not happy about this.

She looked behind her and screamed, "IT WAS NICE KNOWING YOU, LIFE!!"

Here goes nothing.

Avani jumps in.

She didn't know what she was expecting.

Many random tree branches, snapped off? Or maybe some broken couches swirling around.

Whatever she was expecting, she wasn't expecting this.

It was beautiful inside.

The winds were swirling peacefully around her, but she wasn't swirling with it. She was floating in the same spot...

The middle.

Suddenly, without any type of warning, the mysterious stone snapped out off of her grasp and disappeared into the winds.


No, she couldn't lose that. It was important, whatever it was.

With the stone gone, Avani felt powerless.

She felt hopeless.

Avani wasn't sure why the stone gave her confidence.

Then, her stomach felt queasy again.

And she realizes.

She hadn't felt sick in a while when she had her stone.

Oh, she had to get it back.

Avani wasn't sure where the winds were heading, but if she fell off a cliff....well...

Nevermind that, she reached her hand through the winds dividing the outside from the inside.

She held it out for a while and still felt nothing but the breeze.

She sighed, there was no hope, the only thing that her mom might've sent down to Earth for her-


Something really hard smacked Avani's outreached hand and she felt a smooth small shape with strings attached to it.

She pulled her hand back.

Avani gasped.

Her shining stone was now in the form of a necklace.

Without thinking, she put it on herself and admired the beauty of it.

She took a deep breath and felt peace swarming over her.

Just as fast as she felt peace, the winds stopped and dropped Avani into a pile of branches.

Surprisingly, it didn't hurt.

She looked around and realized that she was in a forest.

But there was something strange about the forest...

The scent wasn't...fresh like nature.

It smelled like...


Humans were everywhere.

Hiding behind the trees, bushes, and almost any hiding spot they could find.

And they were all staring at...


She looked down at her stone and it shined so vibrantly that it almost blinded her.

Then she looked up.

This had to be something to do with the-

Then she saw it.

There was a shining object far back, buried deep in plastic, guarded by two human guards with armor.

Her stone floated and turned to the direction of the shining object.

Then, all the humans growled.

It hit Avani like a ton of bricks.

Her green eyes darkened to a shade of army green and her hands glowed the same colour.

She had to get that object.

And the only way to do so is to fight.

Avani shook her head.

"Y'all ain't getting in my way this time."

Avani Earthborn   |:|TEL-1|:|  ✔Where stories live. Discover now