First kiss

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The next day, Lisa didn't know how to face him in school after what happened. Why is my life so complicated?!

She was in the bathroom while brushing her teeth as she kept on over thinking about yesterday. She wanted to wipe his memory so he could forget what happened that day.

What if he knew I took his boxer? He will get angry and tease me for my whole life. I hate it!

As she thought of it, her mind unconsciously started to brush her teeth harshly. Making her gum bleed a little bit. She immediately realized what she was doing and stopped brushing her teeth while she wash her mouth.

She got out and wore her outfit and made her hair and got out of the bedroom, and saw them all eating breakfast already.

"lisa, I thought you're not going today" Jisoo said while looking at her food.

"I didn't want to. Rose, please save me from him" Lisa said as she held Rose's arm.

"who? Jungkook? Ofcourse I'll protect you from your crush at all cost!" Rose said while feeding Lisa a cereal from her spoon.

"not my crush!" she said while chewing.

"ok go make yourself something before we leave" Jennie said. Jisoo stood up while still chewing her food as she made a jam sandwich.

"here, eat" she said while giving it to Lisa.

"you did not put anything here did you?" Lisa asked. Jisoo glared at her before saying "no, now eat fast unless you wanna get hungry in school" she said.

They all finished eating as they got up. "Rose, your shoes is untied" Jisoo said. Rose looked down and tied her shoes.

Lisa was taking off her chemistry book out of her locker, she smelt a familiar cologne and closed her locker, and saw Sana opening her locker.

"oh hi Lisa" she said after seeing her.

"hi Sana"

"I'm sorry I couldn't introduce you to my friends yesterday. We were watching movies and I forgot" she said.

"no it's fine, I also forgot too" Lisa said while closing her locker.

"fine, this time, after school, I'll it introduce you to them while you introduce us with your roommates" she said.

"of course!" Lisa said and gave her a sweet smile, but a person caught her eyes behind Sana, as her smile dropped.

Sana noticed it and asked "is there something wrong?".

"nope, not at all. So after school, bye" Lisa said in hurry as she started to walk away. She caught jungkook staring at her as he started to chase her.

She ran to every place as she tried to escape from Jungkook, who was chasing her while shouting her name.

"yah lalisa!" he sped his running speed as he tried to catch her.

Lisa saw one 2 doors in front of her with no other way, as she entered one of them and closed the door behind her but there was no key.

'oh no'.

Jungkook came in as he closed the door behind him while glaring at her as he stopped to catch his breath.

"o- okay you caught me" Lisa said trying not to anger him with a word, but he only glared her more as he started to walk in front of her.

'Oh no not again!'

She ran on the right side as she tried to walk to the door, but he was fast to grab her as he pulled her and layed her in the teachers desk while he was sitting on top of her.

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