A Fight

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Lisa woke up as she shivered. She covered the blanket higher to warm herself up. The place was too cold but more than yesterday, is it snowing? In Korea?

Lisa looked behind her and saw Jungkook still sleeping soundly. She covered the blanket to his work body as she felt his face with her hand, he was too cold.

She decided to wake him up so that can both leave already.

"hey, kook" she tried waking him up for the first time but he didn't move.

"jungkook!" she whisper yelled at him. He finally woke up while rubbing his eyes.

"Lisa?" he asked with his eyes closed.

"yes, it's me, let's go now" she said as she stood up.

She helped him carry the stuff as they went back to the car.



"we're not late for the first class right?" Lisa asked once they arrived to the front school.

"relax, see everyone's still outside" he said while locking the car. As they walk in, she saw her roommates all walking together to her way.

"heyy loverbirds" Rose said teasingly. I gave her the weird look as my brows furrowed.

"at least tell us you guys were going together, I texted you many times and we were worried that you didn't show up the whole day" Jennie said.

"oh I'm sorry. My phone is lost ever since yesterday" I said while trying to search it in my pocket just in case.

'did Nancy take it? No way that bitch took my phone during the fight'.

"ok then, tell us where did you guys go" Jisoo asked while smiling at us waiting for us to answer her question.

"oh Jungkook took me to a nice place and we slept there and came back in the early morning" Lisa said. They all looked at each other before looking away while Jennie sipped her smoothie.

"o- Kay then, see you at the lunch" they were about to walk away when Nancy showed up behind them.

Jennie rolled her eyes while rose huffed and Jisoo muttered something silently.

"well hello there Jungkook and you" Nancy said to them with a fake smile. He gave her his blank look, he suddenly got annoyed seeing her. Her fake friendly personality is sickening him. Even them.

"awe where's my hello?" Jisoo said. Nancy's expression changed as she looked at her while rolling her eyes.

"well hello to you too! My bad I didn't notice you" Nancy said.

"everything about you is fake?" Rose asked. They all almost laughed at her saying this. To them, she was like a sweetheart, but this was their first time hearing her talking badly about someone.

"your mom haven't taught you how to shut your mouth" Nancy asked Rose. Rose didn't know what what to say to her but she was thankful someone else said something.

"gurl yourself was a mistake anyway" Jennie said. This time they couldn't maintain their laughs as they all laughed out loud.

Nancy rolled her eyes as she grabbed his arm. "let's go and ignore these bitchs" she whispered to him but they could still hear her. Lisa had a word to say in her mind. Before she could say something, he spoke first.

"those 'bitchs' you're talking about, are my noona's" he said while removing his arm from her grip.

"Lisa, is my girlfriend" he said while holding Lisa's hand. Nancy face expression changed, it was jealousy.

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