Chapter 2

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Léda woke with a start when someone was banging on her door, or maybe it was more specific to say that someone was banging down her door

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Léda woke with a start when someone was banging on her door, or maybe it was more specific to say that someone was banging down her door. The old wooden piece rattled. The screws screeched. For a second she didn't even know where she was. Then there was a moment of panic when her brain connected last night's events with the noises filling her room. They came back for her. No. They were dead. The man in the dark had killed them.

Soon enough she heard shuffling. One of the sister's slippers brushed against the floor. Identifying the noises, she managed to calm her breathing, realizing it was likely one of them at the door, as well. These people have known her since the day she'd been born, and they still couldn't accept that she was anything but a morning person. She wasn't even a person until she had her first dose of caffeine.

"Léda! Open the door! Now!" Sister Zsuzsanna yelled from outside. Oh sweet Lord, she's only doing this so I can get a lecture before I go to school. My life is going nowhere if I dare to act like myself in the future. I must learn to follow the rules, yada yada.

"I'm not even dressed yet, sister," Léda mumbled but dragged herself out of the bed to open the door for her.

"You don't have to be. Come on!" She ordered angrily and grabbed her by the elbow. She had a tight grip, one that surprised Léda but then the sister looked angrier than usual. Maybe the comment about her nightgown was too much.

"Let me have my shoes at least, Jesus..." She rolled her eyes, pulled her arm out of the nun's hold. Léda wasn't certain what was going on but she found, this was way overboard, even from someone as constantly pissy as Sister Zsuzsanna. Patience, or sympathy have never been one of the sister's virtues but this was over the top. Léda slipped into her pink-white Rebook running shoes while listening to the nun's nonsense rant.

"I knew from the very first day that black blood mother of yours put her dirty feet into our church that she and her unholy child would only cause trouble for everyone," she murmured heatedly under her breath. This was way out of line now, even from as someone as mean, and bitter as her. Léda frowned at her, trying to understand the words pouring out of her mouth. What did it even mean black blood? Was this some kind of secret racist code to some nations? She's always suspected that she might have some gypsy ancestors but even that was no reason to be labelled... unholy child? Was she talking about her at all? Léda was willing to admit she was anything but a saint however, she was still not the kid from Omen.

Whether she thought the sister was about to lose her mind, or not, Léda followed her anyway. She might be one mean person but still, Léda kind of had a soft spot for her. Sister Zsuzsanna wasn't as bad as she usually acted, she was just full of bitterness. From time to time Léda even felt sorry for her.

They walked down the wooden halls full of crucifix and holy paintings bathing in sunlight at. The nun kept a quick pace until they reached Sister Margit's office at the end of the corridor. Léda knew something was off as soon as they entered the room. She felt like the air was knocked out of her, leaving her breathless momentarily.

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