Chapter 29

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Léda rubbed her eyes, the letters blurring in front of her eyes. How could it be so difficult for her to read Enochian when it appeared to be as easy as breathing for everyone else? She circled her neck to ease the tension from her muscles. Looking at her watch, she noted she still had half an hour to try and do something sensible and maybe move at least half page forwards.

The end of the book was closing in and there was nothing even semi interesting she'd found. There were countless of words about catastrophes, about fallen empires, triumphed rulers, all things she more or less could place in history even if not exactly how they were recorded in the nephilim history. There was nothing about the future though. Certainly, when the book had been written everything that she'd read happened to only happen in the future but they were in the future now. This was giving her a headache, she growled.

There were only a couple of line left and she was still at the end of the '90s as far as she could tell. Conclusion was that the world either should have ended at the beginning of the '00s, or nothing important happens anymore.

Admittedly, she's been trying to crack the last bit for days now. She tried to do some research in the history books but nothing lead anywhere. The words were all foggy both metaphorically and literally. Nothing made sense. She was going to give it one more try and then she'd just sit there above the book, sleeping with her eyes open, pretending like she was doing something.

"When vis blends with air, the fire burns up. When day meets twilight, night is born. The world stops being as it was known."

Léda stared at the words. Finally, she saw more than just one or two but with the revelation, a dark cloud shaped above her head. Her stomach dropped. This made no sense. Yes, some of the prophecies were hazy but most she could pair with historical events regardless. She must talk about this with Dubicki. This was important, she could feel it in her bones.

Could this be an apocalyptic prophecy? Had the world already ended and CNN had forgotten to notify people? With rushed moves Léda packed her notes, her notebooks, all her papers, all but kicking the chair out from under her as she stood up and was about to start out when Uncle Jani stepped to her.

"Miss Rose, I'm so happy you're still here!" He looked a little bit excited and careworn at the same time, nothing that would be a surprise for Léda. "I'd like to ask if you and your friends could be so kind to help me organizing the yearbooks? I'd do it myself but you know, at my age with my waist acting up so often, it'd be difficult for me to carry around all those heavy books," he explained but Léda was barely hearing him. She needed to find Dubicki.

"Sure, yeah, don't worry about it." She nodded, quickly starting out from the library.

"That's so very kind of you, Miss Rose! I don't even know how I could thank you enough." He followed her, rambling on and on about how grateful he was for the help. Léda had no idea what she'd agreed to if she wanted to be honest. Her mind was filled with nothing but the words she'd read, the ominous sounding prophecy that might or might not mean the end of the world.

"It really is nothing," she mumbled as she opened the door wide and ran straight into Mike, her papers and notebooks flying high in the air before landing all around them.

"Thank the Angels you're here!" He was breathing heavily, his usually rosy cheeks dead white. "Annie! My Angels! Annie is in the medical centre!"

"What? What happened?" Léda's heart skipped a beat as she imagined poor fragile Annie dying on a hospital bed. What could have happened? Had Azul hurt her? No, he'd never do that. The wolf might be a wild animal but Léda knew he was special and would never hurt Annie. Could it be Isabelle? A Maeror attack maybe?

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