Chapter 36

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"So where are we –"

"Shhh!" Annie and Léda hushed Mike in union, their eyes narrowed at him. The very last thing they needed besides Isabelle's already toxic company was to anyone else hear them. Léda pointed at the small iron fence on the wall, opening to one of the aedis and both Isabelle's and Mike's eyes widened. She gave them a meaningful look and nodded them to follow her. It took little to no time to find themselves outside from the main building.

"Those fences, vents, open to the aedises?" Isabelle whispered, wrapping her arm around her middle to block the cold air.

"Yes. When we go back, shut your mouth. Both of you." Léda moved her gaze between Mike and Isabelle before turning on her heels and starting towards the woods.

"Where exactly are we going?" Isabelle asked, following Annie and Léda to between the trees, not missing a beat. The moon was no show that night and so they had to watch every step made carefully.

"There's a meadow not far away," Annie replied with a hushed tone, pointing in front of them to somewhere in the darkness.

"Is it safe to be in the middle of a wide open area?" Mike pushed a branch out of his way, his eyes darting around constantly, liking expecting Excubitors jumping on him.

"No one ever comes here. No worries." Léda smiled back at him reassuringly. They've spent enough nights out there with Annie to be certain, no one cared about it.

In a couple of minutes, they arrived to their destination, stopping at the edge of the meadow laying in the middle of the woods. Finally, even Léda felt safe enough to switch her flashlight on, the very moment when a glass shattering scream burst out of Isabelle. Mike was the closest to her, and he wasted no time to react, his hand covering her mouth, muffling the rest of the shriek.

"What the hell?" Léda swung around, whisper screaming at her. Isabelle's bright blue eyes were wide, terrified, set ahead of them, her entire body trembling in Mike's grip. A growl came from behind Léda and Isabelle paled even more.

"Azul!" Annie squealed and ran to her friend. Wonderful, why not share every secret they had with Isabelle... Wait, they had just done that.

"What in the name of Chayyliel?" Mike now mirrored Isabelle's horrified expression, his hand still on her mouth, his voice coming out breathy.

"Wolf!" She mumbled against his palm, both of them staring at the strange pair of Annie and Azul in complete shock.

"You can let her go." Léda waved at Mike. "She won't scream again. Right, Isabelle?" She nodded slowly, her eyes not moving away from the animal. It was indeed a strange view to see cute, slender Annie basically disappearing next to the giant that Azul was.

"Care to explain?" Isabelle shrieked, Azul's attention shifting to her. His eyes narrowed, another growl rumbling through him. If Léda didn't know better, she'd be convinced he actually recognized Isabelle from all the stories that Annie's shared with him.

"This here is Azul, Annie's friend," Léda explained calmly while Annie knelt next to him and patted his fur soothingly. "Once again, if you tell anyone, you're –"

"Dead?" Isabelle rolled her eyes and Léda smirked at her, giving her the finger.

"I can't believe you have a secret getaway and a wolf! How did it even get in here?" Mike asked the very same thing Léda had at the first encounter with Azul.

"Only he could tell but he isn't the most talkative. Are you, buddy?" Léda winked at him and he huffed in response. They've become best pals over time. Never underestimate the power of food when it came to animals.

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