Chapter 15

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Despite of the fact that Léda had been dead on her feet by the time she'd gotten to bed, she couldn't sleep a single minute through the night

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Despite of the fact that Léda had been dead on her feet by the time she'd gotten to bed, she couldn't sleep a single minute through the night. The problem wasn't only the fact that her body ached so badly that she couldn't find any position that wouldn't make her feel like her ribs were trying to kill her; no, her brain also decided to be a pain and work over time.

She just couldn't stop the thoughts. She wasn't human for goodness sake! That was huge. Life altering, quite literally. It didn't happen everyday with someone they found out that they belonged to another species. This brought so many questions with itself.

Then there were the concerning reactions of some people, namely Volkov and Uncle Jani. She couldn't shake the feeling off that both of them knew something – something about her, something life shatteringly big. Not that it wasn't life shattering enough that she had angel blood running in her veins.

Maybe finding out who this Evelyn girl was would be a good starting point. Léda had a suspicion that whoever she was, got something to do with her story. Was she a relative, maybe? Was that the reason why Uncle Jani had mistaken her for Evelyn? She had to figure out what had happened to her. If Evelyn was still out there somewhere, maybe she could get some answers from her.

That was a wonderful plan, Léda really, she snorted with a roll of her eyes. Except for the teeny-tiny fact that she had no idea where she could find Evelyn. Was there even a way to contact people outside of the Bastion? Even if there was, it was unlikely she could walk up to someone, asking if they had a special nephilim phonebook. She had to find another way.

It occurred to her that Annie had mentioned yesterday, Uncle Jani was in charge of the library. She had to spend her weekends in there both because of her studies and because it counted as her community work. Yes, they actually made kids work in the Bastion. Mike was assigned to the vehicles because he'd developed interest in those during the last couple of years. His job was to check out the cars and bikes, make sure they were in perfect shape. Léda couldn't claim not being jealous of him. Fast cars and bikes were like addiction to her. She'd begged for the brother of Katie to take her on a ride with his bike everytime she'd seen him.

Annie's assignment were the horses. As to why on Earth they had horses in the Bastion, Léda had no idea. Back in the time when there had been no motorized vehicles and people had had to rely on literal horsepower, fair enough. But now? Maybe they thought they'd need horses if something terrible happened and all electrical machines died like it happened in fictional stories. It was of course a waste of time for her to think about any of this. It wasn't her concern why they had animals around here. Also, it made Annie happy she could spend her time around them. She claimed they had a soothing effect on her. Though, as to how reliable she was when it came to relaxation, Léda had her doubts. After all Annie claimed green tea was good for her.

But unlike her at least both Annie and Mike could do something they liked. It wasn't the case that Léda didn't like books – because she hadn't been lying when she'd told Raiden she read when she got nothing better to do – but she had her limits. On the practical side of things, maybe she'd be able to befriend Uncle Jani and get some important information out of him. It was as good of a plan as anything else that she managed to come up with so far.

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