Chapter 31

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Léda has been tossing and turning all night, unable to shut her mind down. The quote. Annie's accident. Raiden not letting her continue on with Dubicki's project. That was a bad idea for more than one reason, she came to the conclusion; not only Dubicki would make her life miserable, Léda wanted, needed to know what the prophecy meant. She knew it was something huge as soon as she'd managed to read it. And then the Magister's reaction had only proved her suspicion wasn't wrong. She was onto something world shattering.

Dubicki had always been distant, collected, put together whilst when Léda had told her about the prophecy, she'd become the exact opposite.

With a growl, Léda rolled out of the bed and headed to the bathroom. It was strange being alone in the room, not hearing Annie's baby lion snore, not seeing her fire red hair flaming in the dark under the moonlight.

She was going to tell Raiden that she didn't want him to interfere, Léda decided. She already knew this meant another argument just when they finally seemed to make a step forwards. However, this was important for her, possibly more important than being on the good side of Raiden Akiyama.

With a sigh, she headed back to the room, pulled Raiden's hoodie – the one he leant her the other night – over her head and started down to Dubicki's office, intending to question her about the words they'd found with Annie.

She inhaled deeply, the strong cinnamon and evergreen scent of Raiden filling her nostrils and a giggle burst out of her. She was becoming a creep, smelling clothes but she loved his scent, it filled her with some sort of warmth.

Her steps turned slightly lighter before she stopped in front of Dubicki's office and knocked firmly. The halls were entirely empty. The sun wasn't even up yet. Nights have started becoming longer and longer as autumn slowly edged winter. Léda pulled her hair into a bun on the top of her head and knocked again, stepping from one foot to the other.

Maybe Dubicki was still asleep, like the rest of the Bastion. After all, it wasn't even 6 in the morning. Though, after last evening, she'd be surprised if the Magister had slept at all. Tugging one hand into the pocket of her hoodie, she knocked one more time. If there'd be no answer, she'd just head to the Palaestra and talk to Raiden about her decision.

As her knuckles came into contact with the door, it creaked open slightly and she frowned. Straightening her fingers, she pushed it lightly and her blood ran cold. Magister Dubicki was laying on the floor, unconscious, unmoving, blood flooded around her head, the scent of the red liquid filling the air with the smell of metal. Her grey hair was dampened, stuck to the base of her neck. After the momentarily shock, Léda stepped into the office and dropped on her knees, fingers pressing against the side of Dubicki's neck, searching for her pulse.

"Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck," she muttered under her breath when she felt nothing. Leaning over her, she tried to see if she breathed at all but no, there was no rising of her chest. She wasn't moving at all. She wasn't breathing. Léda's hand caught the back of her head and she shuddered with disgust upon feeling a hole where her skull should have been. Leaning back on her heels, she stared at the body in front of her for a moment. Her mouth went dry and blood ran out of her head. "Do something," she ordered herself with a groan. There was no time to get shocked now. She might be able to do something. "Someone help me!" She screamed, her voice cutting through the still air like a knife.

She placed her hand over Dubicki's chest and started pressing against her in a steady rhythm. "The song in the commercial," she murmured, images of a commercial meant for the public to help learning CPR popped onto her mind. Saturday Night Fever. "I-I-I-I-Stay Alive-Stay Alive." She started singing, her voice trembling as she kept pressing down with the rhythm of the song. How many times did she have to do this? Was it 20 or 30 push before the blow in? Come on, Léda, think! "30. It was 30. Stay alive. Stay Alive." Sweat broke out around her temples and she was panting heavily, making sure she put enough pressure on the Magister's chest. Rather some broken bones than death. Where the hell was everyone when they were needed? She tilted her head back, pinched her nose and leant over her. "No more taking notes after this." She pushed her lips against Dubicki's and blew in until seeing her chest rising, then again. "Someone help me!" She cried again before starting the process from the beginning. "I-I-I-I-Stay Alive-Stay Alive." She lost track of time. Her arms ached from the constant pressure she had to apply. It felt like her head was under water and the only thing she could hear was her own heavy breathing. She kept singing the song over and over again, trying to keep her rhythm but her voice was distant, too, like it wasn't even hers. What if no one came any time soon? For how long did it make sense to try and bring her back?

"Magister..." Raiden's voice came from behind her, his words running out upon seeing them. "Léda?"

"I-I-I-I-Stay Alive-Stay Alive," she panted, applying extra pressure on her chest. She couldn't lose her rhythm. Her throat tightened and it felt like she swallowed a whole bag of cotton balls but she just kept going on. She couldn't stop. If she stopped, Dubicki would be gone for real. Raiden's legs appeared in her vision before he squatted in front of her. She couldn't pay attention to him. She had to keep going. She had to keep the rhythm.

"Léda, stop." His voice was soft as he placed his hand over hers. She shook her head, singing the line once again. No one was going to die under her hands. No. This wasn't happening to her. "Léda, you have to stop. She's gone." Raiden repeated, his voice firmer this time, his fingers tightening around hers.

"I-I-I-I-Stay Alive-Stay Alive." She raised her gaze to his face with a glare, her voice turning louder. Dubicki certainly wasn't her favourite person in the world but she also wasn't someone who Léda wanted dead.

"Enough." Raiden grabbed her wrist and pulled her to his chest with ease. He lost balance, falling back with her on the floor, holding her tight against himself.

"Let me go!" She screamed, struggling against his grip around her. "I need to keep going!" His arms kept her in iron hold though. Léda elbowed him in the stomach but he didn't flinch, wrapping his arms around her arms, holding her down.

"She's gone, Star Eyes. There's nothing we can do," he murmured gently, his breath caressing the side of her cheek as he rocked back and forth with her.

"No!" She croaked, shaking heavily in his arms, unable to drag her gaze from the body.

"Raiden..." Niko haltered in the door, his eyes falling on the lifeless body of Dubicki before he looked at them.

"Get help," Raiden commanded, his arms squeezing her tight to him.

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