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Human. Orphan. Nephilim. Half angel, half human. Witch. Blueblood. Blackblood. Labels. Labels everywhere. Labels Léda didn't even understand, nor she even knew where to start and try to wrap her mind around.

She was human but not human enough, not for the sisters. They knew all along something was wrong with her, that she was different, that she was not like them, not like other kids, not like other people. The sideway glances, the whispers behind her back, it all made sense now.

She was an orphan, thrown out, left alone, abandoned, unwanted. No one wanted her, not her parents, not the sisters except for the holy army of Chayyliel. But they also didn't want Léda Rose. No. They wanted the nephilim.

Because she was a nephilim. It was time to accept reality. She was a creature she'd only heard of before in religious stories and horror films. A half this, half that being, something she must wrap her mind around and embrace; belonging a little bit here, a little bit there; growing up in the human world, holding values of life the Celestials didn't or couldn't understand; trained among the cold walls of the Bastion, forced to forget life, herself, everything she thought was important for a holy war she wanted no part in; in a holy war that might cost her life, too if her secret was found out...

Her secret that she was a witch. Witch. Léda tried to get used to the thought. She could will magical powers. Magical powers she had no idea of the limits of. How big these powers were? How bad were the injuries she could heal? Was her power only to be used for good? Was it going to drive her mad if used too much? Was she about to turn evil?

Blueblood... No... Blackblood... Maybe that was what it meant. Maybe that was what the sister meant and she was indeed destined to be evil. Maybe she was the Wicked Witch of East. Maybe she was something else than everyone else.

"Léda!" Raiden's firm voice cut through the haze of her dark thoughts. His hand caught her, making her realize she was falling without realizing. "Focus!"

"Focus," she repeated, allowing him to pull her back on the beam.

Whatever labels she put on herself, it didn't matter. She must focus; focus on the one thing that mattered: getting out alive.

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