Chapter 7

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The cafeteria appeared in front of them

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The cafeteria appeared in front of them. It was a plain room with white walls and black tables. They seriously must have had some kind of phobia when it came to colours, Léda huffed to herself.

The room was full of kids from very young ages. The youngest ones looked about 5-6 years old. She remembered Volkov mentioning nephilims started their training from that age. In her opinion, that was inhuman. Kids that age should be running around at a playground, not spending their time with some crazy cult.

It was like the Twilight Zone. Everyone looked the same in their god awful uniforms. Girls had their hair up in tight ponytails and buns. All boys had short hair, not a single man bun here.

Her stomach made another angry noise, reminding of the lack of food she'd had in the morning.

"Do you have coffee here?" Please, tell me you do, she prayed silently. She didn't think she could make it through without caffeine. Just on cue her head started aching like hell. It was like her brain was stabbed repeatedly.

"No. But we have tea." Annie smiled brightly and Léda groaned, massaging her temples. This situation escalated out of hand quickly. She was going to cut her wrist open if she didn't have caffeine soon – her blood might still have some left in there. She was an addict, not even ashamed to admit that. According to some, she had more caffeine in her veins than blood. "Green tea. It's good for the nerves and helps to sleep."

"So it's the decaffeinated version?"

"Yes. The last thing we need is anyone not being able to sleep after spending half day with training."

"I think the last thing Raiden has on his mind is me sleeping any time soon," she mumbled under her breath.

Her eyes took in the food in front of her. At least it didn't look too bad. There were ridiculous amount of vegetables, rice, boiled and mashed potato, fruit, all kinds of meat and fish. Nothing unhealthy looking though, she noted with another grimace.

Cross the previous thought, this was going to be unsurvivable. She wanted a cup of coffee and a glass of shake to dip her fries into – fries that she also didn't have. With an agitated sigh Léda grabbed a tray and took the biggest piece of steak there was to found and some mashed potato. It didn't look nearly as good as the type that Sister Angela made but it was better than just vegetable. The sister's was full of spices and garlic and butter, this... this was just potato mashed. She picked up a couple of bananas and peach juice to prevent her sugar level dropping drastically.

"When do you have dessert?" Surely, they must have some kind of sugary stuff at some point. Life wasn't even life without sweets, it was just existing.

"We don't have dessert ever," Annie answered. Léda's gaze darted to the nearest window where she could jump out from. This was Hell. "Look! There's Mike. You're going to like him so much. He's fabulous." Annie grinned, starting towards a boy who looked about their age.

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