Chapter 44

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Apologies for the absence and thank you guys who sent me good wishes. Sorry I could not reply to any of your comments or messages for the past week. My hand had a massive sprain while playing badminton so I couldn't even move my right hand. It is better now, luckily no ruptures. Also, my birthday is coming up and it's lock down so I have to bake a cake at home. Honestly, it's going to be my first time and I am not that good of a cook. I would love if you could drop some of your recipes to make chocolate cake because soooo many recipes on YouTube are confusing me. Thank you for reading this rant, you can get into the chapter now. :) 

Aelin was cursed.

No one that loved her stayed alive or safe for too long. Her parents. Sam. Kaltain. Elide. Or even her friends who were caught with Arobynn. It was only a matter of time before someone else became the victim.

"It's not your fault." Her eyes met Aedion in the rear view mirror. His lips were pursued as he looked from Lysandra to Aelin. She looked at Lysandra, who continued to gaze outside, at the passing scenery, tears on the brink of falling, resting on her eyelashes. She turned away, not replying to her cousin.

"We know it was for the best. Leaving Evangeline in the house is the most unsafe thing we could do now." His voice dropped from a hopeful note to a grumble. "Especially when that asshole lives below."

Ever since Aedion had come to know about Arobynn behind killing Sam, he had gone off almost anytime he even saw Arobynn. Aelin on the other hand, had gotten completely silent. There was no rage inside her, just disappointment. Like there was a part inside her that knew the truth but was refusing to admit it. Now that there was undeniable evidence in front of her, she didn't know how to feel. Maybe there was a part inside of her that wanted her gut feeling to be wrong, that Arobynn had not sunk that low. He didn't kill his own adopted son. Was it due to Sam stopping some kind of business or was there another reason that nagged at her, one she didn't want to unravel yet?

Whatever. They couldn't do anything until they found Elide.

Elide was intelligent. She could even talk Perrington into keeping her alive, if Vernon was not in the picture. Coming back home without Elide, when Evangeline came out with a card she made for her, it broke Aelin's heart to see the look on the child's face. The complete horror. That was when Lysandra decided Evangeline had to get out.

"We know, Aedion. Doesn't mean it hurts any less."

"Chaol's father is the sheriff. It's the safest place for her." Aelin agreed.

Lysandra had gotten all crazy about getting Evangeline out but the question was where? None of them had any other family. If they did, they wouldn't be stuck under Arobynn. Against whom, even with proof, she could not do anything because he could easily be behind Perrington and Vernon too.

The car was silent except the hum of tires gliding against the road. It was when Aedion started taking a turn towards Perranth market was when Aelin stopped him.

"I'll go home. Stop the car next to the wine shop."

"Come with us. We'll eat and take groceries." Aelin shook her head. Lysandra was her friend and she could only console her as a friend. She needed a boyfriend right now.

"Then I'll drop you, it's freezing outside."

"I need a walk anyway. You guys carry on."

And that was that. Aelin walked all the way home, thinking about all that had happened and all that was going to happen. The car Elide was kidnapped in had gotten to the highway but not gotten caught by any toll tax camera further. If they were out of Erilea, it would be next to impossible for them to reach her.

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