Part 1-Something came up.

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Jake POV
I walk into the precinct five minutes late and am greeted by the neutral face of Captain Holt. He's standing beside my desk watching me as I slowly make my way over to it.  I place my coffee on my desk and sit down in my chair looking up at my captain with a giant smile spread across my face.

"Good Morning sir." I greet him, waving a little.

"Peralta. You are five minutes late. Explain." He grunts, glaring at me the smallest bit, but then returning back to having a neutral expression.

"I'm sorry sir I stopped to get coffee." I sigh, then pick up my cup shoving it in his face. "Good news is I got you one too."

"Get to work." He says, swatting the cup out of his face almost making me drop it.

"Alright then..." I mutter to myself, spinning in my chair to see Santiago's tired face.

I  just study her for a second. She looks exhausted. She has bags under her eyes and she keeps yawning every few seconds.

"Amy?" I ask, looking over at her worriedly.

"Hmm?" She replied, not looking up from her computer.

"Amy Santiago!" I shout, cupping my hands over my mouth so my voice is loud.

Her eyes widen and she turns to look over at me quickly, then nervously looks around the precinct seeing everyone's gazes on us. Then she turns her head back to me and glares.

"Nice to see you too." I smirk.

"What. Do. You. Want. Pineapples." She growls, holding her glare.

"Woah, rough night?" I chuckle, taking a sip of my coffee and ignoring the silly nickname.

"W-why do you care?!" She questions me, her voice suddenly frantic.

"I- no Amy- you just... look tired." I tell her, cautiously.

"Oh, uh I'm fine." She says, before standing up and speed walking to the evidence lock up.

Rosa looks over at me and raises and eyebrow in confusion and I just shrug my shoulders and shake my head. Me and Rosa have a way of communicating with each other without using words. It comes in handy considering we're detectives and sometimes get caught up in dangerous stuff.

"Briefing Room. Five minutes." We hear Terry say snapping us out of our silent communication.

I stand up and head to the Evidence Room to let Amy know there's a meeting. Walking in the room I immediately hear sobbing. I stop in my tracks listening to see what's going on.

"Stop crying." I hear a male voice say. "Stop crying or I'll make you stop crying."

That's enough for me.

"What the hell is happening in here?!" I yell barging into the room.

I see a man I don't know one of his arms is wrapped around Amy's neck and the other hand is holding a gun up to her head. On instinct I reach for my belt. But the man raises his hand indicating me to stop. I freeze my hand just resting on the handle of my gun, my fingers itching to pull it out and point it at the man. But I don't, instead I stand still.

"Now listen to me. I'm not going to hurt anyone,  just listen ." He says slowly, watching me to make sure I don't do anything stupid.

"What do you want?" I growl, glaring at him.

"It's not what I want. I was sent here to give you a message." He tells me, pushing the gun harder into Amy's temple causing her to gasp in pain.

"And..." I grunt, looking over at Amy.

"The guy who sent me here. Mr. Sam Green. He was arrested about three months ago by you Jake Peralta." The man continued, shifting nervously. "He escaped prison. You might have heard about it. And he's coming for you, and he's going to kill you."

"What about my friends." I gulp, not taking my eyes off of Amy,

"Your friends will be alright. Just as long as you do as he says." He warns.

"How will he get ahold of me?" I question, looking over at the man with doubt.

"Believe me. He'll find a way." He says, while forcing a laugh. "Now. I'm gonna leave here without anyone knowing about me, if you make any sudden movements I will kill you both."

He lets go of Amy and pushes her to the ground on her knees. I ache to run to her but I can't. He backs out of the room slowly then takes off in a run. I sigh and walk over to Amy. I kneel down beside her and place a hand on her back. She flinches away and stands up quickly running out of the room.

I walk alone to the Briefing Room all eyes on me as I slowly go over and sit beside Boyle. Terry and Holt are glaring at me because of my tardiness.

"Where were you JP?" Terry questions, shaking his head in disappointment.

I look around the room and spot Amy sitting beside Rosa. She must have snuck in without anyone noticing.

"Sorry." I sigh, looking away from Amy and back at the Sarge. "Something came up."

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This is my first B99 Fanfic so I was a little nervous but I hope you thought it was good. :)
What do you think will happen next?

Imma post a new part soon

Word count: 863 (not counting A/N)

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