Part 17-It's not your fault.

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I talked to Jakes mom for a while promising her that I'd text her once I got any news. The doctor comes back and I shoot up in my seat.

She smiles at me. "You can see him, yes. But he's still asleep."

She walks me to the rooms he's in then leaves. I stare at the door for a moment, then push it open.

Tears well up in my eyes as I walk over to sit on the chair beside his bed. I take his right hand in my mine and kiss it. Then I lean forward leaning my head on his hand as tears begin streaming down my face.

"I'm so sorry, Jake." I bawl. "This is all my fault."

I continue sobbing my shoulders shaking.

"It's not your fault." I hear a voice tell me.

I look up and see Jake giving me a weak smile.

"Oh my god!" I yell, tears falling faster down my face.

I throw my arms around him holding him with all my might causing him to groan in pain. I pull away wiping my tears away quickly.

"Sorry." I tell him. "I was just really worried about you and-"

"It's alright." He interrupts me pulling me back towards him. "It's worth the pain."

"Déjà vu." I laugh lightly.

I pull away slightly and smile at him. He traces my cheek with his thumb giving me a tired smile back.

Then he leans in pressing his lips against my mine. I move my lips against his slowly trying to savour it. I was so worried about him. We stop kissing but keep our foreheads pressed against one another, breathing in sync.

"Thank you." I whisper, opening my eyes.

"For what?" He asks, the corner of his mouth turning up a little.

"Not dying." I pull away staring into his eyes.

I move to sit on the bed leaning on one arm just looking at him.

"I try." He smiles.


Jake POV
Feels like yesterday I was in a hospital. I was hoping we could have one weekend away from the chaos but unfortunately I was wrong. The doctor said the wound wasn't to bad so I'll be able to head home tomorrow. Hopefully we can do something fun tomorrow like go to the beach.

Everyone went back to the beach house for the night except for Amy. No matter how many times I asked her to she wouldn't.

I mean I wanted her to stay but I also want her to get some sleep. Oh, well.

I feel my eyelids getting heavier but I force myself to stay awake.

"Jake just sleep." Amy orders me laying down beside me trying to be as careful as possible.

"But..." I trail off not sure where I'm going with this.

"Oh Jake." She laughs tiredly wrapping her arms around my waist.

I love it when she does that.

"Please get some rest." She sighs out, closing her eyes.

I close my eyes too letting the darkness swallow me.


My eyes shoot open and I look around the dark hospital room.

I have to pee.

I look down at a peaceful Amy and move her gently before rushing over to the bathroom. I go to the washroom washing my hands then looking in the mirror.

I'm in a hospital gown and have bandages on my right shoulder. My left arm is in the brace that doesn't need a sling since it's almost healed. Then I move my gaze to my face.

'Still ugly.'

You again?

I sigh staring myself in the eyes. Then I hear a knock.

"Jake?" A tired Amy voice asks.

"Did I wake you?" I whisper through the door.

"No I woke up on my own and noticed you were gone." She tells me pausing a little. "Are you alright?"

"Ya." I lie.

'You don't deserve her. All you do is lie.'

She doesn't need to hear about my pain.

'You're so weak.'

I know.

'You're in pain? There's so many people that have it worse.'

My eyes fill with tears.

'But ya sure you're in pain.'

I'm in a lot of pain.

"What?" Amy questions.

"What?" I ask her with a forced laugh.

"What did you just say?" She says slowly.

Crap did I say that out loud?

"Ya you did." She tells me.

'You can't do one thing right.'

Amy opens the door and looks at me with a pained expression. She walks up to me placing a hand on my cheek wiping away tear I didn't know I let fall.

"What happened?" She asks.

"Nothing. I just..." I begin, leading us both back to the hospital bed, laying down. "Being mean to myself."

I laugh a little and Amy does too.

"I think maybe you should go talk to someone." Amy says slowly. "Maybe it'll help."

"I'll think about it." I tell her, pulling her against my chest.

We both fall asleep.


I wake up to someone shaking me. I groan in pain opening my eyes to see Rosa.

"What?" I ask her, groggily.

"Teddy's here." She warns me.

"Why?" I question, sitting up.

"He some how found out that Amy would be here and he's practically begging for her back." She tells me helping me stand up.

I go to get dressed walking out in the hallway to see Teddy and Amy arguing. Amy drags them over to a corner that's out of our view to talk privately.

Rosa and I wait there awkwardly for them to be done.

"I don't want to be with you!" I hear Amy whisper yell.

"But I love you Amy." He confesses to her.

"You were a jerk to me. You started coming home late and drunk. You would yell at me and call me names. So no I don't think you love me." She growls.

Amy comes over to see me and Rosa standing there.

"You're awake." She smiles at me, giving me a hug.

I stifle a groan of pain hugging her back.

"Ya lets get out of here." I laugh.

I know she knows I heard her. But I'll wait for her to say something to me.

Whenever she's ready I'll be waiting.


Jake's ok! But that dang voice came back. Oof. Also Teddy showed up. Double Oof. Teddy needs to back off.

I wrote this at like midnight and at one point I wrote 'my tears fill with eyes' by mistake.

I'm fone. (If ya know ya know) (also ily)
(If you know) (but if you don't know I still ly) (ok I'm good bye) (I need sleep) (k bye)

😂Next part soon😂
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Word count: 1034 (not counting A/N)

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