A/N-Future fanfic? A sequel?

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Hey there!

(If you could please give me feedback that's would be helpful! Just comment any questions or concerns you have. 😁)

I just wanted to let you guys know about my future fanfic and just a few other things you might want/need to know.

Just a few things before we begin....

First of all if you've made it this far and are reading this I just want to thank you for reading my first fanfic!

Second of all I want to apologize for any grammar errors or anything like that. In the future I may go back to edit but not just yet.

About "It'll be alright.... right?"

Anyway I know this is a bit shorter of a fanfic then others. I mean not all fanfic is the same but this is my first one and I wanted to make it good.

I feel like the ending was good for the characters and the story. Plus I'm getting new ideas for a new fanfic that may (probably) be longer than this one.


In the future if I ever want to come back to this idea or if people reading this want a sequel then of course I will write one. I love this Jake and Amy story I've created and I'd also like to write more about Gina and Rosas love story.

New fanfic?

Yes! I already have an idea that I've started brainstorming (two actually, though I won't be writing two unless people would like me too and I'm not too busy). So that will be coming out shortly. I think that the idea is a cool one.

Bye for now....

Last of all I just want to say I know my writing isn't perfect. I want to be an author when I'm older and I thought this would be a great way to practice. Plus I absolutely LOVE Brooklyn 99.

So anyway, thank you so much for reading this fanfic story. Bye for now! 💓🦋💫🌈

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