Part 2-Oh, hi mom.

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Jake POV
"Something came up?" Terry asked, mocking my tone a little. "That's your excuse."

"Give us an actual reason why you're late Peralta." Captain Holt states.

"Well..." I begin looking over at Amy and she nods. "I went to the Evidence Room to find Amy and there was the guy who..."

I explained the whole thing to all the other wide eyed detectives. The sergeant and the captain the most shocked out of all of them. They felt bad for being mad at me and started to apologize repeatedly.

"It's alright guys, you didn't know." I sigh getting a little annoyed that they're not focusing on the fact that all our lives were in danger.

"Santiago. Peralta. My office. Now." Captain Holt says before leaving the room.

Amy and I look at each other then quickly stand up and run over to Holts office. Once we're inside we sit down in the chairs in front of the captains desk and sit their in silence.

"Ok so here is the plan. Peralta," Captain Holt begins, looking at me. "You need to tell us right away if this Mr. Green contacts you."

"Yes sir." I reply, nodding my head.

"So if he wants to meet somewhere you and Santiago are to go there together and call for backup if you need help so we can get this criminal back in jail. Alright?" He asks, but it sound more like a statement.

We both nod our heads. Holt dismisses us and we go back to our desk sitting there in silence. Then we start working not talking about what happened. A hour goes by, working on a case together only talking to each other when we need to. Then I notice Amy clutching her stomach in..... pain?

"What's with your stomach." I ask, looking in her eyes.

"Why do you care?!" She snaps, catching the attention of a few people around us.

"What's with you today?" I question, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Nothing, pineapples." She states returning back to her work.

"Something." I scoff, rolling my eyes a little. "You've been acting weird all morning."

She looks up from her work and shakes her head as if dismissing me. I roll my eyes once more and turn back to my computer too. My phones begins ringing and me and Amy just look at each other and then down at the phone. I pick it up looking at the screen it says "Unknown Caller". I swipe to answer it and place the cold screen up to my ear.

"Hello?" I asks, trying to keep my voice even.

"Say; Oh, hi mom." A deep voice tells me, causing my breathing to become faster.

"Oh... hi mom." I say spreading a fake smile across my face, clearing my throat a little.

Amy sighs in relief but continues to watch me as if she doesn't believe me.

"Now here's what's going to happen. You and you alone are going to meet me at a storage locker. Once you get there a few of my men will meet you and bring you to where I am. And if you don't come I'll kill your precious partner Amy Santiago. If you'll agree to meet me say: yes I would love to come by and see your new dog tonight." Mr. Green orders me.

"Yes I would love to come by and see your new dog tonight." I continue smiling.

I can here my heart beating rapidly in my ears. I look over at Santiago and she raises an eyebrow at me but I pretend not to see it.

"Good choice. Go to Brooklyn Storage at 7 o'clock sharp and meet around the back entrance. My men will meet you there and bring you to me." He tells me. "Now say: see you then mom, love you, bye."

"See you then mom, love you, bye." I say, calmly into the phone.

Sam Green chuckles a little before hanging up. I put my phone back down on my desk and continue with my work.

"Was that your mom?" Amy questions, tilting her head to the side.

"Yup, she got a new puppy and wants me to come over to meet it tonight." I lie, shrugging my shoulders.

She once again raises her eyebrow at me but just sighs and continues on with her work.


Something about that phone call with Jakes mom seemed off to me. I don't know why but I can just sense that he's stressed. After work I went back to my apartment to break things off with Teddy. I texted him to meet me there so hopefully he gets here soon.

Lately, he's just been... awful. That's why I was being weird today, everyone could tell that something was off, or at least Jake could. Teddy calls me names and gets mad at every little thing I do wrong. And once he almost hit me, but I ducked out of the way fast enough. He seemed to realize what he tried to do and left and we didn't talk for a week. But now I decided I'd had enough.  Teddy knocks on my door and I walk over standing in front of it for a moment mentally preparing myself.

Breath in. Breath out. I tell myself.

You got this.

I open the door keeping my face neutral. Teddy tires to walk in but I stop him. He looks at me with a confused look on his face. I clear my throat and look at him in the eyes.

"I can't do this anymore." I state, not looking away.

"What do you mean Amy?" Teddy asks, his eyes going wide.

"I think you know what I mean." I begin. "We aren't good together Teddy. It's just not right."

"I can change. Just please don't-" he begins but I cut him off.

"Stop. You have treated me like crap theses last few months. It's over. Goodbye." I stand my ground, giving him a small glare.

He looks as though he's about to say something but then stops himself and walks away. I close the door behind me a smile spread across my face. The stomach ache I had earlier fades.

It's over. I tell myself.

Everything is alright now. Everything will be alright now. Nothing bad can happen.

Famous last words.


Boom. Cliffhanger.

Is Jake gonna meet up with those shady guys? Will Amy be able to stop or help him?

I would tell you but then I'd have to-
I mean whhhhaaattttttt??? (Sorry I'm tired)

🌺Next part out soon🌺

Word count: 1035 (not counting A/N)

It'll be alright....right?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon