Part 8-You don't have to stay.

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We're all just in the waiting room, well,...... waiting. It's horrible. I hope he didn't lose to much blood. The doctors said that was the concern.

I'm no doctor but he seemed pretty hurt. It seemed like he had broken ribs and a broken arm.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Diaz comes over to hand me a coffee.

"We're going to raid a vending machine." She tells me, nodding towards Boyle. "Want anything?"

"No, I'm good." I say, taking a sip of my coffee.

"You haven't eaten anything." Boyle sighs.

"I know that. I need to just stay here and wait for the news on Jake. They should be coming to tells us what's wrong any minute now." I inform them, nervously tapping my cup.

They both leave just as the doctor appears around the corner.

"Family of Jake Peralta?" She asks.

"Yes?" Me and Holt say at the same time.

Usually that would make me super happy and feel like me and Holt are connecting but right now all I can think about is Jake.

"His left arm is broken and he has three broken ribs. A few of the wounds on his stomach, back and face required stitches but other then that he's going to be alright." She explains. "He's just woken up if one of you would like to see him."

I look over at Holt who nods at me.

"I will." I tell her.

She leads me to Jakes room then leaves. I take a few deep breaths in and out preparing myself. I walk in catching his attention as I run up to him and hug him. He grunts in pain and I pull away quickly.

"Sorry I was just worried." I apologize.

"Don't say sorry." He reminds me smiling.

"I was so worried." I tell him again tears filling my eyes.

"I'm ok." He assured me, pulling me in for a hug with his good arm.

His left arm is in a sling. I look down at it and frown. I can't believe this happened.

"Good news is the doctor told me I could leave tomorrow." He smiled at me.

"That is good." I agree.


It's later and everyone has left except me. I just sit on a chair I pulled up and stare at him as he texts his mom, telling her he's alright.

"You can leave you know." He tells me. "You don't have to stay."

"I know." I reply, smiling.

He puts his phone away and lays down. Then he frowns.

"What?" I ask him.

"I just don't remember the last time I cried that much. I was in so much pain." He says, shaking his head in disbelief.

"I noticed." I try to smile but can't. "I'd never seen you cry before Jake. It scared me."

"I couldn't even control it. Usually I would try not to cry but it was to much." He explains, closing his eyes sleepily.

"I know and you don't have to explain yourself everyone has moments when they lose control and break down. Now get some sleep." I order him with a laugh.

"Come here." He says, patting a spot next to him.

"Won't I hurt you?" I ask.

"Just a little. It's worth the pain." He smiles.

I get up and slide in the bed next to him and he pulls me into his chest. He grunts a little tensing up a bit but soon he relaxes.

I yawn. I'm so tired.

"I like you Amy." Jake mumbles softly into my hair. "Romantic styles."

"I like you too Jake." I pause, a smile spreading across my lips. "Romantic styles."

Jake hums in response. I want to do something. Hug him or kiss him. But I'm to tired. And instead of fighting to stay awake I let the darkness take me. I drift off to sleep thinking of Jake.


Jake POV
The next morning I wake up to Amy's head on my chest, her arms wrapped around my waist. My good arm is wrapped around her shoulder. I smile remembering both of our confessions last night.

I try moving her slowly so I don't wake her up. The doctor said I could leave today and I want to get dressed so I can leave as soon as possible. I place her gently on the hospital bed and I try to stand up. My legs hurt so bad. They were hitting my legs a lot too but apparently they didn't break anything, but still...... it hurts.

I begin limping my way over to the chair Amy was sitting on, beside it is a bag with clothes that Rosa and Charles brought for me from my apartment. I lean over to pick it up holding my broken arm against my ribs, groaning. I pick it up and make my way over to the bathroom.

I some how manage to put my pants on but I can't manage to get my shirt on. Every time I raise my hand my ribs hurt and I can't use both arms cause one of them is broken.

Frustrated I give up and look over at the mirror above the sink in the bathroom. I examine my body. I have cuts and bruises everywhere. Some of the cuts needed stitches but not a lot of them.

Well that's going to leave scars.

I hear a knock at the door.

"Jake?" It's Amy. "Are you alright in there?"

"Ya I'm fine." I lie. "Why?"

"It just sounded like you were in pain or something." She tells me.

I am.

"I just..." I trail off not wanting to ask her for help.

"What is it?" She asks.

"I can't..." I begin taking a deep breath in and out. "I can't put my shirt on."

She doesn't say another word she just opens the door, comes in and then closes it behind her.

She looks at me, trying to give me a small smile.

She grabs the shirt and walks over to me. She takes my left arm out of the sling and places it down on the sink for a moment. She puts the shirt over my head and pulls it down helping me place my broken arm through the sleeve.

I groan when she accidentally pulls on it to hard and she pulls her arms away immediately. I pull my arm the rest of the way through and put my right arm through by myself. She helps me put the sling back on then we just stand there in silence.

She just stares at me for a while with a look I've never seen before.

Then she kisses me. And I kiss back.


You. Are. Welcome.

What will happen when they get home from the hospital?

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💫Next part soon💫

Word count: 1114 (not counting A/N)

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