Part 25-You're ok.

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Jake POV
It's been two weeks and we're all on a trip. We're at the same beach house because it was a pretty amazing trip last time besides the............ being shot part.

Amy and I are sitting in our room on our bed when Boyle barges in.

"Hey guys..." he trails off looking a little uncomfortable. "I know the last time we went to the carnival didn't work out to well.... but we want to go there again since we didn't get to actually enjoy ourselves to much."

Amy looks over at me.

"Ya sure that sounds fun." I tell them with a smile.

Boyle leaves the room.

"Are you sure?" Amy asks me, getting off the bed so she can go get ready.

"Of course." I assure her. She gives me a look. "Ok I'm pretty sure."

She gives me a nod then goes into our bathroom.


It's later and we're at the carnival. We've been here for a couple hours and have been on a few rides.

We take a break to get some food from the food trucks lined up a little farther away from the rides but not too far. Amy and all the others get in line while I go look for a place to sit.

I walk behind the food trucks and immediately recognize the benches from when I got shot. Slowly I make my way over to the bench me and Amy were sitting at then I look at the ground I see old blood on the ground.

My blood.

I start getting a flashback of that night.

He holds the gun up pointing it at Amy. Before I know what I'm doing I jump in front of her. The gun shot rings in my ears as I feel the blow in my right shoulder.

Pain. A lot of pain. It shoots through my shoulders and I fall to the ground. I see Holt and Terry take Sam Green down.

I look over at Rosa and see her eyes go wide.

"JAKE!" She yells.

Then I see Amy look down at me and tears immediately fill her eyes as she falls down to her knees beside me.

I blink my eyes quickly making the memory go away.

That's when I realize I'm on my knees on the ground, tears fill my eyes.

I'm hyperventilating and I can hear my heart beat in my ears. Tears start streaming down my face and my body starts shaking.

This time I don't hold anything back. I sob. Loudly. I can't control it, and I don't want to.

I feel arms wrap around me and I jump backwards sitting on my butt. I blink fast trying to get the tears to stop blurring my vision.

"Hey, hey it's ok." I hear a soothing, soft voice say.


I can't speak I'm still breathing heavily, my body shaking uncontrollably.

Amy pulls me into a hug, placing one hand on my back moving it up and down and places her other hand gently on the back of my head staring to play with my hair a little.

"What happened?" Amy asks me, trying to hold me steady. "Shhh, hey, it's ok. You're ok."

I continue crying into Amy's hair.

I wish I could stop my body from shaking so much but I can't.

"Hey, Jake you're ok. You're safe." She tells me, trying to call me down. "Please breathe, ok?"

I nod my head quickly and I continue trying to breathe. But when I do it doesn't work. Amy pulls away from me and looks me in the eyes.

Her eyes start filling with tears but she shakes them off. "Oh Jake." She says sadly.

She wraps her arms back around me as I continue to shake. My breathing becomes slower but I can still hear my heartbeat in my ears.

"What's going on?" I hear Gina's voice ask.

"Nothing. Everything's fine." Amy tells her.

"Amy is Jake alright?" Rosa questions.

"He's going to be ok." Amy assures them. "You hear me Jake? You're ok."

She pulls away from me again and wipes my tears. My heartbeat starts to slow and I stop shaking.

"What happened?" Amy asks me sadly.

"Umm." I clear my throat. "This is ummm...."

I look around and gesture a little.

At first she looks at me with confusion then realization dawns on her.

"Ok, ok." She says quickly. "Ok, yup, let's get out of here."

She stands up and I do too. She grabs my hand and pulls me away.

That's when I notice that the whole squad is standing there.

"Where are you guys going?" Terry asks us.

"Away from here." Amy states, pulling me back towards the food trucks.

She drags me out of the carnival until we're by another bench on the side of the road.

I look up and see the dark sky then look back at Amy.

She sits down on the bench and gives me a smile.

I look behind us and see the nine nine waiting a little ways back. Then I look back towards Amy.

Tears start falling down my face again. "I'm so sorry Amy."

She stands up and holds my face in her hands.

"You have nothing to be sorry for." She tells me. "Now no more crying, ok? You're going to make me cry."

"I love you so much." I say with a smile.

She kisses me.

"Love you too." She says after she pulls away.

"Love you more." I wink at her.

"I love you most." She smiles at me.

"Not even possible." I tell her.

I wrap my arm around her shoulders and we start heading back to the nine nine. I kiss her on the head lightly and she puts an arm around my waist.


It's later and we're at a diner eating food in silence.

"I know you guys saw me break down." I deadpan looking around at all of them.

"Ya, well...." Boyle trails off.

"Guys," I sigh, shaking my head. "You know that's where I got shot right?"

"No we didn't know." Terry tells me.

"I guess you forgot where it happened. Which makes sense. You weren't the ones that got shot. But anyway it doesn't matter because I'm fine." I smile.

"Are you?" Rosa asks looking me right in the eyes.

"Jake, the nine nine and I got to talking and we think you should see a therapist." Amy says slowly.

I nod my head. "I know I should.... I'm just....... scared."

"We know." Boyle gives me a smile.

"We're here for you son." Holt assures me.

"Say it." I smile at him.

He shakes his head with a sigh.

"We love you." Holt says finally.

"I love you too dad." I laugh a little. "I love all you guys."


Wow that was really bad, you know, what happened to Jake...... really bad panic attack.

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Word count: 1136 (not counting A/N)

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