Part 19-I'm Maria Boston.

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The next day we all head to our cars to drive to the precinct. We got up pretty early so that we could make it to work on time. The road trip back is pretty quiet usually Jake would try to play some game or something but he's not really a morning person. He can be but not usually.

"So Jake..." I smile looking over at him.

His head is on my shoulder.

"So Amy..." he replies lazily.

"You excited to go home?" I ask him putting an arm around his shoulder.

"I'm not going home." He tells me then yawns.

"Yes you are, you're not aloud to work." I remind him.

"I'll just ride the desk. Only do paper work." He assures me.

"Alright." I agree, laying my head on his.


Later at work I'm just typing when I hear a groan. I look over at Jake to see him gently checking the bandages on his shoulder.

"Is everything good?" I ask him.

"Ya I'm fine." He begins looking away from his bandages. "Just got a pain. Wanted to make sure everything was alright and it is."

I nod then look back towards my computer. Then I look back towards Jake to see him still examining his shoulder, he looks at me, I raise an eyebrow at him. He shakes his head dismissing any questions.

Then he returns to work. I roll my eyes continuing to type.


It's later and I'm in Jakes bed waiting for him to get out of the washroom when I hear a string of curse words coming from the bathroom. I walk over to the door and knock on it.

"Jake?" I call out. "Can I come in?"

"Ya." He mumbles.

I open the door and see Jake standing there trying to cleaning his gunshot wound. The key word being trying.

He's standing there shirtless looking at the wound in the mirror trying to dab it with a cloth but he flinches away every time.

"Oh let me do it." I sigh laughing a little.

He hands me the cloth and I start dabbing at his right shoulder. I start asking him a few questions to make sure that nothing's wrong.

"Do you have any new or worse pain?" I ask him pulling away when he grunts a little.


Jake POV
"No." I tell her, putting her hand back to my wound.

"Do you have a fever?" She questions, holding her hand up to my forehead.

I push it away shaking my head.

"Is it feeling numb or tingly?" She persists, starting to dry the wound.

"No." I sigh. "Listen Amy if I notice anything out of the ordinary I'll tell you."

She looks at me for a moment. "Alright fine."

She covers the wound back up and kisses it gently.

Then her phone rings so she goes back to the bedroom to answer it. I watch her a smile on my face, then I put my shirt back on crawling into bed next to her. Her phone stops ringing and we just shrug our shoulders at each other.

I start texting a few people from the 99 just about whatever. Most of them are up.

(A/N: This is their group chat.)

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