3. Carrying the secret

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Josh PoV

We were all walking into nandos to meet the rest of the group and the girlfriends. I felt like I just had to tell everyone and that Harry has the right to know but then Simon made a good point that Harry shouldn't find out from us. 

as we walked in we noticed that Harry wasn't there. Freya told me that he had something else to do and couldn't have lunch. maybe now we can just tell everyone else and then we can just decide what we do now. 

we were a few minutes into eating and everyone notices that us three are very quiet. we all just dont know what to do or maybe its us over reacting and the baby was the reason they broke up.

''are you guys okay?  you guys are being very quiet and its worrying me'' Freya asks as she looks over to Ethan, Simon and I

''okay, well-'' Simon started

''Simon no' Ethan added

''oh just tell us, what is gong on'' Taila told us

''we bumped into Lucy today, we went into that shoe shop round the corner and she was there'' ethan said

''wow, she's back in the area then'' Freya replied

''yes, but she wasn't alone'' I added

''well, they broke up two years ago so its totally fine for her to have moved on now'' Talia added having no idea what we were about to confess to everyone

''no, she wasn't with a partner though'' Ethan announced

''so, she is single fam. is two years long enough to wait after Harry?'' JJ asks us.

''no, JJ you cant date her'' I told him

''can you just tell us what's going on'' Tobi asked us

''she was with her little daughter, Belle'' Simon confessed

''what is wrong with that, she obviously moved on and now she is grown up'' Freya voiced

''no, the baby, well a toddler I guess has to be Harry's daughter..'' I said

''no, they would still be together if she was'' Talia added

''unless that's why they broke up, none of us know why they actually broke up'' Ethan voiced

''surely not'' Talia said

''right listen, they have been broken up for 2 years or 24 months right. she would have been pregnant for 9 and she told us that Belle was 15 months old'' Simon said

''and that makes two years. also this kid looks just him'' I added

''I mean, its possible.''

''right, I dont want to sound like a nonce but I took a picture as they were leaving'' Ethan told us 

''bit noncy Ethan not going to lie to you'' Simon replied

Ethan pulls out his phone and shows us a picture of Lucy holding Belle in one arm and she has a pushchair in the other. Belle is looking almost right at the camera. everyone is shocked once they look at the picture as they start to believe us

''I see what you mean you know, you can see that she looks like Harry.'' Freya told us

''we told you, so what do we do now then?'' I asked them

''well, we need to know more. we really should get In touch with Lucy and just have a real chat with her. but maybe just Freya and I. a group is too much at once'' Talia said

''yeah, she's right and we can't be the ones that tell him. we just need to keep quiet for now and convince Lucy to tell him, not us.'' Freya announces and then everyone nods in agreement. it still feels wrong to hide such huge news from him but also we can't just dump it on him.

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