14. Too close

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Harry PoV

We are in a cubicle in the pediatric area of A&E waiting for testing. Cal left a little while ago because the alarm went off at the flat so it has just been Belle and me here for a while. 

I heard footsteps approaching and just knew that it was Lucy. She had a angry/sad walk pace that i could point out from anywhere, I have heard it way too many times. She walked in all dressed up and i found myself slowly getting attracted to her again. that night sound piggish but seeing her dressed up reminded me even more of all the things we used to do and how much fun we had.

''hi baby, are you okay?'' she walked in straight to Belle and talked to her as she looked up and smiled over at me

''mama'' belle calls for her as she puts her arms up, Lucy picks her up and I found myself just staring at them

''are you okay Harry? I cant imagine what you went through'' she asked me as i stop zoning out

''no, don't worry about me. the doctor said that she will be back in a minute to update us''

''okay'' she replies as she walks over to sit next to me with Belle on her knee

''you look really nice you know, red suits you'' i tell her. i don't know if that over steps a line or not but i went for it

''thank you Harry''

We just stared at each other for a a little while as the doctor walked in, Lucy gently put Belle back down.

''okay so from basic testing we haven't found anything that suggests a serious issue for belle. but we are going to keep her overnight for safety and we can get an MRI done tomorrow but i don't want to overwhelm her too much today'' the doctor started

''so, you don't know what caused her seizure?'' Lucy asked him

''we don't know for sure but the signs point to it probably being a febrile convulsion''

''what is that?'' I asked him

''it isn't something to be concerned about and it is very common in children of her age. its when the body overheats and then seizes. it is in no way life threatening unless she was in an unsafe space when it happens.''

''is it going to happen often?'' I asked again as Lucy looked at me in a strange way that I haven't seen in a long time. i am not sure what to think.

''well, we don't know if it will or not really, for some kids its a one time thing, but we wont know. but there are things that you can do in attempt to prevent it or you can at least know some warning sign to catch it quicker and make it less traumatic. a nurse will talk to you tomorrow and explain it deeper and you will have the chance to go through any other questions you may have''

''okay, thank you'' Lucy told him and he shook our hands before walking away leaving us alone with Belle

Lucy PoV

I sighed deeply in relief and Harry threw us arms up to hug me. I walked over to him and accepted the hug. as soon as i hugged him it held for a while, it was the closest we had been for two years. it wasn't a petty side hug like we usually did when we saw each other, it was a real hug. i could feel him breathing as my head was on his chest. I started to wonder if we were too close at this point we are supposed to be friends and co parents. is this too close?

He moved his hand to the back of my head and rubbed it with his thumb which was instantly calming, he used to do it all the time when we were together when i got upset. it brought a lot up for me. as we pulled away from the hug we made strong and intense eye contact and as some time went on we got closer and closer until our lips met and we startedkissing .

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