22. Time apart

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Lucy PoV

it has been three weeks since we last saw everyone. It has been longer than Harry and I planned but the situation hasn't really eased off and people are going insane over the whole thing so we have still kept distance. It has been really hard on both of us, we face time everyday before Belle goes down at night for bed and then we text after she is asleep for a while.

We have been texting a lot and i have been enjoying it. in this time i have fully realized that i have fallen for him again. The highlights of my day at the moment are the moments that i get to talk with Harry, and i really do miss him now that we are apart. i want to tell him but i just don't know if he still feels the same way after i shut him down before. 

I am taking Belle with me to Simon and JJ's place later so that we can all spend time together as a group and i think Belle is going to stay with Harry tonight. We left the cot and some other bits at his flat and i ordered lots of things that she would need to his flat in the past week so she can get to stay with him more often and without me being there or lugging our stuff there and back. i am just debating with myself that when i see him do i just confess or do i make subtle hints to him and hope he catches on.

I was asked yesterday where i saw myself in 5 years for an interview and after i gave a vague answer, i was thinking about it a lot. if i am honest then i can only picture myself with Harry, in a family home and married maybe even another kid on the way. is that insane to think about? maybe it is but insane. or it's not i think that its what i want for us now that i have really thought about it. for us all to be a real family in our home or least give it our best shot, one last time.

Harry PoV

it feels like forever since i saw Lucy and Belle, but in reality it is only been just over three weeks. I feel like it has helped Lucy and i get closer because we have been texting each other a lot and i face time them everyday to see Belle before she goes to bed. I do still have feelings for her and i do try to push them down so that we can just be friends because that is what she wants. my only issue is that i do see us together in the long term, i just can't picture me with anyone but her.

I also realized since i saw Lucy again how much of an idiot i was when we were together and how nice she was for sticking with me for as long as she did. it has left me with a lot of regret as i could just imagine where we would be now if i wasn't a complete idiot and i knew about Belle from the start.

it has only just calmed down with photographers and stalkers, now that i never really leave the house and Belle and Lucy have basically gone into hiding. as far as the public knowing everything, they don't really, other that what has been written in the news. i have kept quiet but it is really taking up my life and Lucy and i both decided that we should make a video to address everything. so, when we meet later that is the plan for us to both sit down and explain, to a certain point at least.

i haven't really decided how much i want people to know or how much of a lie we want to tell, do we say our breakup was fake and the risk questions as to why we don't have pictures of all three of us as Belle was really little. or be completely open and leave nothing hidden. i think i will just let Lucy put the line down where she wants it to be.

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