12. Emergency (Pt.1)

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Harry PoV

It has reached half seven and I decided to go in get pyjamas to change belle so I am going to just leave Belle in the room with Freezy for a while. Once she is changed i am going to give her a bottle and then i can put her down before our food arrives. It has been a good day but also challenging so i do have new respect for Lucy.

''I am just going t get some stuff from her bag in my room can you stay here with her?''

''yeah, we will be fine'' he replies as I got up from the couch and walked off  

Freezy PoV

 as Harry left Belle crawled over trying to show me her toy and then sat on my lap. As i spent more time with her i even found myself getting attached and i really did see how she looked like Harry. 

everything was totally fine with Belle until i noticed that she dropped the toy and her eyes started to roll around. i didnt really think anything of it but now she is starting to shake as she was on he lap.

''Belle, Belle'' i tried to get her attention to stop her but she wouldn't even look up at me and she wasn't babbling back to me anymore

''Harry! Harry!!'' I shouted for Harry as I started to get really scared. she wasn't responding to me and i think that she is seizing.     

''HARRY. get in here''

Harry PoV

I heard freezy shouting my name and I had no idea what to think. I ran into the living room assuming that she had scratched him or been sick on him or even something smaller, but instead i walk right into the room and i can just see belle lying on his lap, shaking and her limbs are just dangling down.

''whats going on'' I said as he stood up and put her down onto the couch

''I don't know, I think she is seizing. it only just started''

''I don't know what to do Cal. how do i stop her. i think- you need to call an ambulance. this could be really serious'' I started to really freak out as i stutter at him and i just sat next to Belle trying to get her to say something or to sit still for me

''okay stay calm, i'll call an ambulance'' he runs over to the kitchen to grab his phone

i have no idea what to do and i feel so bad. I just had to keep her safe for one night and I messed it all up. cal called the ambulance and I could hear everything he said in the background but i couldn't really understand what he is saying

''Harry, they want to know a few things''

''okay'' I replied as he grabbed my attention

''how old is she''

''16 months'' I told him and he fed it back to the phone

''is she turning blue or wheezing?'' he asks


''okay Harry, she said you need to make sure that there is nothing in her way and nothing that can hurt her. then take off all of her clothes and have her just in her nappy and then just leave her until she stops seizing''

I heard what he said and my first instinct was to pick up everything I saw and throw it across the room and I then took off her dress and then put her back down. I just wanted to hug her and tell her that it would be okay but I just had to watch her struggle.

after what felt like forever the paramedics came in and I had to stand on the other side of the room whilst they did some basic checks. 

''okay then dad, if you want to carry her down and she can just sit with you in the ambulance. it makes babies calmer because the lights and noise can be a lot for them, and we can get going to the hospital'' the first paramedic told me and i just nodded without saying anything

''ill come with you bro, is there anything you need?''

''uh, her bag is in my room and my phone is on charge, can you get it and ill grab her blanket. i need you to call Lucy too'' i told him, i just became filled with fear both for Belle and for how Lucy was going to react.

''of course. ill be back in a sec'' cal told me as he walked in the direction of my room

Belle started to cry again and it actually gave me great relief that she was making noise, I have no idea what is going to happen now but at least I know that until I hear different, she is okay. I grab her blanket and wrap her up before I place her on my chest. she lay her head down she instantly stopped crying and calmed down.

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