18. Back home

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Harry PoV

As soon as we got up to the flat we were just exhausted and unhappy, except Belle she was way more than Happy. There were tons of our friends up in the flat which we weren't expecting at all. One of which was Freya who walked over and took Belle from my arms to hold her for a while. 

''how are you all?'' Freya was first to ask us

''that was definitely an interesting experience. both the hospital and obsessed old me with cameras'' Lucy told them as she sat down on the couch. she looks exhausted but so attractive at the same time.

''i can't believe someone saw us and then told the press'' i told everyone

''its mad. do you think people will know about everything then?'' Josh asked me

''yeah mate. its all out there now'' i replied

''oh by the way we got the travel cot from the shop and it's in my car so when you go home you can take it with you'' Talia tells Lucy

''thanks tal'' she replies

''Why don't you bring it up and you can both just spend the night here, then you can sleep properly and we can both spend time with her'' i asked her, i just decided to shoot my shot.

''That would be good but, I don't have any clothes here or toiletries. i can't be in this dress much longer'' she replied

''well, i actually had to pick up some sidemen leggings for the shoot tomorrow and i have an extra pair you can have'' Freya adds

''then you can just grab one of my hoodies or t-shirt and there is a shop downstairs, we could take a walk down there'' i added

''but where do i sleep?''

''you can have my bed and ill take the sofa in there next to Belle's cot''

''yeah, okay''

Lucy PoV

I got changed out of the ridiculous dress and Harry and I are going down to the shop. i am surprised that he wanted to come because he has been distant with me today. Belle is upstairs with Freya watching her. 

''what do you actually need then?''

''I need toothpaste and makeup remover. I want chocolate and some sweets. We need to get belle nappies as well because i only packed her for one night and if i am honest i need some adult drinks''

''okay, we have alcohol at home though, you can just search the bar and find something you want''


we walked around and got most things in the basket, i walked into the sweet isle and met Harry who was holding a bundle of them.

''so, i got you giant buttons, Fruit pastels and Jelly babies'' he drops all the bags into the basket

''wow, you really do know me more now than when we were actually together''

''yeah well. anyway lets just get going''

as soon as we got to the checkout i noticed more people outside with cameras pointed at us. i whispered into Harry's ear to tell him secretly.

''they are back''

''shit.'' he says as he looks and recognizes that there is people outside

we both pulled up our hoods and walked out and as fast as we could we ran to the door so that they couldn't follow us anymore.

''this just keeps getting better and better'' he tells me

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