11. Switched roles

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Lucy PoV

I got dressed up and was actually able to put some make up and feel my own age for the first time in forever. i put on a short red dress that matched my heels and paired it with a black clutch. For once i only had keys, money and a phone to carry with me, not baby toys, food and everything else that she needs.

I walked alongside Talia and Freya into a night club, it is such a strange feeling. I keep checking my phone every 5 seconds because i am just waiting for Harry to need me. i want to just be able to let go and enjoy myself but i almost feel naked without Belle with me.

''is something up? you are checking your phone a lot'' Talia asks me

''no, its fine I just want to check in case Harry needs me for anything. I just get worried that Belle isn't okay'' I told them

''Belle is totally fine, just put you phone away and enjoy yourself'' Freya tells me 

''yeah, I know. and I havent been out in ages so now I get to swap roles with Harry and he can stay in with her and I get to relax''

''exactly, now lets go get some drinks and enjoy ourselves'' Talia says before she leads us over to the bar

Harry PoV

Its been a few hours since Lucy left and it seems to be going well. Belle hasn't been upset and we both have been really enjoying ourselves I think, we are just sat on the couch playing with toys with TV on in the background. Freezy walked in the front door after being out for dinner. He walked in and sat down on the other side of the couch next to Belle and he tickles her as she laughs at him. her laugh was just the nicest sound to listen too.

''hi mate, nice dinner date?'' I asked

''not a date, I was with Simon and Ethan.  and I didn't eat anything, It was nice though. how are you two doing?''

''fine mate. we havent eaten yet. I want to go out actually''

''why dont you then, we could go out for a walk and it is still light''

''I am worried that ill be recognised and someone make a connection''

''nah, its fine. lets just go out'' he says as he claps and then Belle copies him

''do you like that Belle'' I asks as she continues to clap and we clap back

''Belle, say yes dada yes.'' Freezy encouraged her

''dada'' she replies as she stares up at me

''no. Lets just stay in because she will do down soon anyway. you can if you want but I can't, I seemed to have switched roles with responsible parents, just like Lucy'' I told him

''no I'll stay with you two, lets order in. I fancy a dominos''

''that sounds good, we can order for just us because by the time it comes she will be asleep hopefully''

''it weird to see you like this you know, as a responsible parent''

''even I find it weird, I only just found out I had a daughter a month ago and now she is a huge part of my life, and I am in my house on a Friday night''

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