Chapter Two

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    I got engaged to Chike two years later, and after two months of the engagement, he got electrocuted while charging his phone.

I started seeing John, but he had a coma and eventually died after being involved in a ghastly motor accident.

Same horrible incidents happened to Chinazu and Philip. I got so scared of dating, I went for counselling and started getting better.

Meanwhile the strange man in my dreams kept appearing and I was warming up to him, I even had sexual intercourse with him a couple of times. He was becoming possessive. It felt so dangerous and sexy at the same time.  He was my drug for escaping my troubles. At twenty-five, he was still in my dreams.

“You must be wondering what my name is. It’s Taiwo, and how you came to be mine will be discussed later okay?” he whispered one night with his mouth at the junction between my earlobe and neck. My heart was beating erratically as he kissed that same point and dragged me closer to him torso-to-torso. Shivers ran through me while my heart continued it’s very fast hum-dup beat. He cupped my breast and squeezed it tenderly, I bit back a moan. I groped the back of his head, drew him down and kissed him feverntly as if my life depended on it making some funny noises that surprised me. He grabbed my ass lifting me up and I locked my legs around his waist...

“Wake up! Wake up Kodi” my sister Kamso said with a hiss while unclasping my hand from the tight hold it had on her nightie. It was just a dream.

'I wish it was real' I thought wistfully

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