Chapter Sixteen

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"Forgive me Father for I have sinned, This is my first confession in ten years..."

And my confession went on peacefully. I carried out my penance and went over with Father John to the gazebo to join my family and Darl.

They all had reassuring smiles on their faces which was so comforting. When we settled down, Father John started briefing us again.

"Now, you have confessed, let's talk about the six things I was trying to tell you about last time. You have to pray and fast, cast all your worries upon God because He cares for you. Be sober and watchful because, your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. My extraordinary eponym, Father John Vianney who's straw bed the devil tried to burn while he was asleep once said 'The devil is like a dog on a chain. He can only go so far as God permits' God permits the devil to attack us sometimes just so we'll be closer to Him"

Darlington kept on nodding continuously like an agama lizard. It was funny, you'd think he was the one possessed. Father John continued.

"Secondly, you'll have to be receiving the blessed sacrament whenever you come to Church. You have to pray to Virgin Mary. Our mother serves as an advocate to God in times of need and the highest prayer that can be said to her is the holy rosary. You know it right?" I nodded affirmatively.

"Then , you have to make the sign of the cross and have crucifixes everywhere in your house. Demons detest the crucifix. I'll annoint you, your household and your house with a Chrism oil. Do you understand?"

We all replied, "Yes Father"

"You all have to purchase sacramentals like relics of saints, blessed medals, holy cards, blessed candles, and I'll give you blessed holy water and salt, and I'll go around your house with incense. Better still if you can relocate to a new house, you should do so quickly, so that I'll perform all these rites in the new house. You all can as well decide that" he said with a final note.

"Any questions?" he asked

Although it was a lot to take in, we all kind of understood what he said so we shook our heads No.

"In that case, the seminarian will show you all the guest house. It's very comfortable okay? The Incubus I suppose, knows by now that something is amiss and he will try to attack you this night but I'll be at your beck and call. No matter what, try not to be scared. We are all here for you. The devil feeds on our fears, so starve him"

Father John called the seminarian who was lurking around and asked him to show us our rooms and we followed him. A hand found mine and I looked up at Darlington with a small smile.

"Hey sugar, What a day. I got you some candies and chocolates to calm you down" and I smiled up to the heavens thanking the maker for making me to come across such a man.

"Thanks Darl. For everything" I squeezed his palm and used my thumb to caress the insides.

"You know, you are one of a kind and I'm so grateful to God that you saw me in the supermarket that day. Sometimes I ask myself how I got so lucky. Without you, I wouldn't have been here now looking for a solution to my problem. I would have been stuck in ignorance. Thanks babe" I said with tears threatening to fall.

"Sugar, please don't cry. I'm the one that should consider myself lucky to have met a beautiful soul like you. You are beautiful inside and out, and it's a shame the Incubus is involved in your life. That's the more reason he has to leave"

Just then, we got to the house. It was a beautiful bungalow adorned in beige and umber colours. The colour scheme was nude, mature and inviting.

We all got separate rooms but mine was directly opposite Darlington's. We all went in and settled down.

Yay! Another awesome but short chapter. This chapter is just a run down of everything Father John is going to do in the upcoming chapters. It's unfortunate that my book is coming to an end and I'm estimating five more chapters to go. Happy reads! Don't forget to vote and comment ❤️❤️❤️

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