Chapter Eight

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Thud! Thud! Thud! A loud banging on my door roused me from my sleep. I looked at the clock and it was 10:30pm. Who could be knocking by this time of the night? It was raining cats and dogs too. Could it be a neighbor in need? I put on a robe over my nightie and padded my way down the stairs and hallway to the front door.

“Who is it?” I asked taking hold of my pepper spray that has a permanent place on the cupboard close to the door.

“It’s me, it’s Darlington” came the voice
“Darlington?” I asked hurriedly opening the door. He was soaked from head to toe like a vulture beaten by the rain. Udele mmiri mara.

“What happened?” I asked rushing to get some of Chike's clothes I had left.
“ I left your house an hour ago and since then I passed through hell. First of all 3 miles away from here, a tree fell on the bonnet of my car but I came out unscathed.

I tried stopping some cars but this is Nigeria and nobody trusts anybody so I walked all the way back to your house because it was the only option. My house is in town and it’s so far away” he said shivering.

I ran upstairs and brought some of Chike's clothes I still had and  handed it to him, then I directed him to the bathroom to change. I brought the most fluffy duvet I had out and prepared the guest room for him while he changed. I showed him to the guest room.

“You’re going to sleep here okay? It's the guest room” I told him folding my arms.
“The heater is already on and there’s a very warm duvet there too. Everything you need is there, a tooth brush. New of course, towels and fresh clothes” I said not looking at him in the eye.

“Are they your father’s?” he asked me.
“Are what my father’s?” I asked furrowing my brows
“The male clothing”  he said
“They were Chike’s. My late fiance” I said in a clipped tone.

“You had a fiance and his late?!!” he asked surprised.
“Yep” I replied popping the 'p'
“Goodnight” I said at the door way avoiding eye contact because I didn’t want to do what I’d regret like jumping on him and doing some naughty things.

“Good night sugar”

Later that night, I saw Taiwo and he looked wounded.

“Why Kodi? Why? I’ve explained most things to you on how you are mine?Mine alone! Why do you punish me so?” he asked in a strangled voice. His shoulder was gashed open and he was in great pains.

“I tried to kill Darlington this night but he’s very strong. I was the tree that fell on his bonnet. I wanted to fall on his car directly to crush him but he has a shield of protection over him.

Even as he walked back to your house, I put a lot of obstacles on his way. He slipped seven times but got up again. Kodi you need to stay away from him. There’ll be a war, a fight, and I am a liquid metal that can’t be shaken” As he said all of these, he walked over to me and touched me.

His hands were scorching hot and I screamed at the top of my lungs.
“Kodi! Kodi!”  Darl shook me. I continued screaming some more because I totally forgot he was in the house.

“Shhh shhh” he cooed and I quietened a little bit but small whimpers escaped my mouth from time to time till I became calm. I could feel his steady heart beats.

“Nightmare?”  he asked me and I nodded not ready to talk just yet.
“Its not real okay? It was just a dream” and that triggered my tear glands to do what they were known for. I started crying.

“It’s very real Darl, very very real” I whimpered. He rocked me back and forth whispering sweet nothings in my ear. How did I get so close to Darl in just one day. After some moments he asked me, “How is it real?”

I took a deep breath and started telling him everything about me and Taiwo and how I lost all my suitors and boyfriends.

“What have you done to stop this nonsense? Have you told anyone besides me?” I closed my eyes, sighed deeply and said ‘No'.

“Are you a Christian?” he asked willing me to open my eyes by dragging me up when he saw that I wasn’t responding.

“Follow me”  he said dragging me to the sitting room.
“Sit down and answer my previous question. Are you a Christian?”
“Yes, but I’m not keen about it”
“What do you mean your not keen about it?” he quizzed.

“Well, for starters I was just born a Christian. A Catholic to be precise but I don’t like the stereotypical way they carry out their teachings. I use to go to church when I was young but then I noticed that people came there for fashion parade and not prayers. Many others don’t even come to church in truth and in spirit, they come to fulfil all righteousness. I’m in the later category, so I stopped going to church all together” I explained
“Whew!”  he exclaimed.
“There’s your problem staring you right in the face” he said shaking his head as if he couldn’t believe I didn’t know my problem.

“You are not fighting back rather your succumbing to his sly ways and his attacks”
“What so you say we go to the nearest Catholic church tomorrow to report this case to the priest. I’m a Catholic too you know?” he said.

“I didn’t know” I said biting my nails. A very bad habit I couldn’t stop especially while nervous.
“I don’t know about going to a priest. I mean I could just pray?”

“When last did you pray? You’re going, whether you like it or not” he said matter-of- fact. Okay now I was legit confused about Darlington.

He came off as a bad boy in the beginning,then caring,now spiritual?? My life was definitely in ruins.

Author's note: Yay! I like this chapter,things are beginning to get spiritual😅😂.

The liquid metal part got me laughing though😂

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