Chapter Ten

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Sorry for the cliffhanger guys, unfortunately there’ll be more. Let’s hit up the star below!
Music: Egungun be careful

...“Now listen you both. For this to be thoroughly dealt with, there are six things we have to do” he paused and placed his hands on the desk clasping both palms together and looking at us intently, then he dragged his reading glasses to the bridge of his nose and looked at us over the glasses.

“Firstly, I have to come to your house for  anointing with a Chrism oil. Don’t fret, it is only an olive oil mixed with balsam. The oil signifies strength and the presence of the Holy Spirit while the fragrance balsam represents the aroma of Christ as seen in 2 Cor 2:15. This oil is gotten after the confirmation ceremony of already baptized Catholics. You are baptized right?” he asked me

“Yes Father” I replied with a whisper. This was just too much to take in at a time. My faith in Christ had a rocky foundation and here I was talking about Chrism oil with a priest. Typical Kodi.

“Good, good. After that I’ll place a crucifix at the entrance of your house and room. Demons detest it. It is a very effective step to solving this okay?” he continued and I nodded.

A sudden vibration on my laps made me look down, only to find my right hand on it shaking violently. I used the left one to hold it still but it started vibrating too like the right. I started feeling queasy. My heart was beating loudly and two beads of sweat ran down the sides of my forehead.

Pick that pen and stab him on his throat'
“Huh? Did you say something?” I asked turning to Darlington.

“No sugar” he replied, meanwhile Father John had stopped talking long ago and was just looking at me. When my eyes met his, he made the sign of the cross and then everything happened in a minute.

There was a screeching sound. Was that me?
'Yes Kodi. I just gained entrance into your body because you are mine and they are planning to kick me out. It can't happen under my watch! No crucifix in your home! I think you’re too weak to stab him!!'  Taiwo's voice echoed in my head.

As he was saying all these I was still screaming because the Yoruba demon's energy was too toxic and negative.

When he finished speaking, I felt a turmoil within me like my spirit was fighting so hard to stick to my body but  Taiwo was stronger and I was drifting away but not with a fight at least.

My eyelids fluttered and I saw Father John hovering over me with Darlington holding my hands and praying the Hail Mary? Probably The Lord’s prayer, I couldn’t tell.

“Leave me alone!!!!’  I screamed
'You are mine!’. Taiwo screamed back
“I'm not yours Taiwo!” I whimpered and then I drifted out of my body to the corner of the room weeping my soul out.

I looked at my body being possessed by Taiwo and I was scared to death at what I saw.
I, my fake self actually, pushed Darl with a great force and slammed his back on the office wall close to the corner I was at, and I screamed again while Darl grunted in pain. I knew Darlington and Father John couldn't see my spirit or hear my screams but I kept on screaming. Father John was startled for a minute but he recovered quickly and rushed into the adjoining room.

Seriously, right now? We needed him and he up and left?
“You think you are so powerful eh? Darlington Ekwuzie!” he growled menacingly fisting Darl's shirt in a firm grip and holding him above the ground with it while Darl struggled, his feet dangling in the air. Darl was strong but Taiwo had an incredible strength.

First off, that was an awful voice coming out of my beautiful body. Secondly Darl was in pains and I felt so helpless standing by the corner weeping.

This was all my fault. I wouldn’t have allowed him to get involved with me.
Taiwo punched Darl on his nose and I literally heard it crack as I sank to the ground muffling the sounds that couldn't be heard with my hands and screaming into it.

I did what I’ve not done since I was a child. I prayed
“Dear Lord, I know I’m a sinner but please don’t punish Darlington for my sake. Save him from this evil demon Lord, Amen”

“Blood of Jesus Christ!” Darlington shouted with all his might as I said Amen and Taiwo, the fake me, staggered like a drunk.

“I cover this premises, with the blood of Jesus. I cover Kodi with the blood of Jesus” he continued.
“The word of God says 'no weapon fashioned against us will prosper' and I use the book of psalm 91 as a covering shield! Any tongue that shall rise against me in judgement must be condemned in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen!” he prayed and I stood transfixed watching him with a great deal of respect and admiration.

Taiwo was weak and flaccid on the ground. At that same instant, Father John ran in holding a beautiful bottle and he poured some of its content on his palms and rubbed it on my forehead making the sign of the cross.

My chest heaved outwardly while my spirit wandered back to my body. I let out a long gasp and sat up. I rushed to Darlington engulfing him in a tight embrace.

"Thank you so much Darl" I said with tears at the brim of my eyes and my mouth quavering. I turned to Father John and thanked him with my eyes. I totally  misread his intentions.

"Miss Kodi, it'll be of your own best interest to come back here tomorrow meanwhile here is my number. We gave the demon a scare and he will surely bounce back with more vigour" Father John said with a shake of his head,dismissing us.

A/n: At a point I thought Father John was a fake!😂 This chapter was very intense for me. Tell me how you feel about it.

P.s: My intent was to make this story a very short one but it's turning out to be long with 10 chapters?! We're gradually coming to the end and I want to thank everyone for the reads,votes and comments. It really means a lot to me you guys.

200+ reads💃💃💃
I love you all😘😘😘

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