Chapter Five

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That night I fell sick instantly. Chills and rigor I couldn't explain broke out the instant I got home, and I was alone.

I managed to go to the bathroom to get acetaminophen from the drug cabinet. I chugged it down, took some gulps of water and went straight to bed.

Of course there he was, Taiwo was relaxing on a fallen tree and concentrating on his fingers seriously as if he was thinking deeply. I walked to him briskly and with a lot of purpose.

"Can you explain what is happening to me?" I screamed.

He lifted himself off the tree and walked towards me.

"Mind your tone,young lady!" he told me menacingly.

"I was betrothed to you twenty-six years ago. A woman called Kehinde Ogbuefi nee Obafemi..."

" My mother?!!" I shrieked.
I couldn't remember my mum so well because she had passed away after my sister Kamso was born a year after my birth. I only saw her pictures, knew her name and the fact that I was named after her- Chikodi Kehinde Ogbuefi. My mum was a Yoruba woman while my Dad was Igbo. Apparently, I'm Igbo because my dad is.

" Yes, your mother" he continued.
"She was barren for ten years so she sought for help. She went to her sister, your only aunty for advice, and that was when she told your mum a secret she came across when she was little. She found an ancient diary owned by your ancestor".

"What secret?" I demanded
"When the said ancestor had the same problem as your mother, she sought for aid in a shrine called Urashi that existed in your maternal native home before Christianity took over. At the shrine, she struck a deal with me. We agreed that I would give her a female child on the condition that the child  be betrothed to me" he took a very deep breath.

"Look I was human just like you but then a Succubus, a female evil seductress possessed me after I accepted a present from a trusted friend. She sucked life out of me with incessant sex but before I died, she turned me into this monster. An incubus! I haven't seen her since then. I've killed thousands of women and I've caused sleep paralysis to many because I draw my strength from it, else I'll fade away from the surface of the earth as a human and a spirit"

I was still confused and it was written all over my face.

"See, like I said, your Aunty, Funmi gave your mum an advice to perform the ritual your ancestor performed hundred years ago, and she did"

At this point I was so confused. Nothing made sense at all.

"You're still beating about the bush Taiwo" I frowned.

"Kodi, I want you to pay deaf ears to Darlington. He's bad news..." I bursted out laughing uncontrollably.

"And you're good news to me?" I was almost choking from the laughter so I clenched my abdomen and doubled over laughing.

Now, I know that I enjoyed the sex I always had with Taiwo in my dreams. I actually thought other girls my age experienced the same just like boys had wet dreams, but it was becoming scary as hell.

It was time to finally face reality and  live a happy life. I was coming close to the truth and I honestly want to get married and have kids in the future, but bad things kept on happening to all the men I came in contact with.

It then dawned on me that all my boyfriends and my fiance Chike either died or became useless or had one outrageous problem or the other after associating with me, all because of Taiwo.

The Yoruba demon.

Author's note: Thanks guys for the reads,likes and comments. I mean I literally started uploading this night and I already have 40 plus reads. Y'all are the best, Muah!

P.s: This book was written in a Nigerian setting, Igbo and Yoruba tribe to be precise. I'm pretty sure most of the names are hard to pronounce, I mean some of them are hard for me too,lol. Trust me some people bear those names in reality. Thanks for your understanding. Ciao

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