Chapter Twelve

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I grabbed a towel from the towel rack and wrapped it around my body. I looked around wearily for anything at all I could use to defend myself. My hand grabbed something hard so, I clutched it very well as if my life depended on it. The door kept opening inch by inch with that kind of noise doors make in horror movies. The creaky sound.

“Darlington?” Silence.

A swish of wind like the touch of a feather  caressed my face and I relished in it for a moment till a hand grabbed my mouth from behind muffling my screams.

I aimed aimlessly at him with the object I grabbed earlier which turned out to be my detachable shower head.

I knew the person holding me was a man. I could feel it from the strength. I fought with determination trying to hit the being, with the shower head all to no avail.

I was surprised my towel stayed put. Finally, I let go of the shower head and tried to hit him with my elbow but it smashed the air and eventually the wall with force making me writhe in pain.

I whimpered in pain since I couldn’t scream. I tried to bite his palms but I bit nothing. Nada. Just the air.

“Kodi, Kodi, you are just playing with fire my dear. You’re playing house with Darlington now eh? Acting all lovey dovey with him whilst forgetting the lovely times we had together in your dreams” Taiwo whispered in my ear.

I could barely hear him as usual so much  that I started questioning my sanity or if I was in a trance.

“If you visit Father John tomorrow, I won’t hurt you. I won’t hurt Darlington. Rather, I’ll pay my father and sister-in-law a friendly visit in Lagos. In your family home” he continued while I cried from the pain in my elbow and from the fear of Taiwo visiting Dad and Kamso in Lagos.

They were clueless about what I have been passing through since my eighteenth birthday.

Dragging them into my horrible situation was something I couldn’t dream of, seeing as Kamso had asthma and it could be triggered by emotions.

Dad on the one hand developed high blood pressure after mum's death.

“You wouldn’t dare!” I screamed, panting and crying vehemently, realizing that he wasn’t clasping my mouth shut anymore.

He chuckled.

“Oh yes, I would little one. I would have my way with pretty Kamso then torment your father to death, unless …”

He paused and continued,

“Unless you don’t go to Father John. I don’t care how you do it but just don’t go” He said sounding far away with echoes of 'Just don’t go' resonating in the bathroom.

I slumped down shaking uncontrollably with tears. I was screwed big time.

Sounds of footsteps rushing into the bathroom veered me out of my hazy state. I looked up to see Darlington crouched and asking me if I was okay.

My lips trembled as I tried to string words together.
“Shhh shhh, it’s okay. You’ll be fine sugar” he cooed.

He led me back to the room and I wondered why he was still with me after everything he had seen and passed through within a week.

I also wondered where he was when I was calling out for him earlier.
“Where were you Darl?” I sobbed.

“I fell asleep baby, the sound of you crying roused me from sleep. Are you okay? What’s wrong? He asked with worry written all over his eyes.

Instead of answering him, a new bout of tears sprang into my eyes blurring my vision. I managed to utter some unintelligible words amidst the ever flowing tears.

He sat me down on the bed and instructed me to dry my body and dress up while he gave me some privacy by going to bathe I guessed.

Darlington drove me to work. He held my hand all through silently, squeezing it from time to time in assurance.

Glancing at him, there was a ghost of a smile on his lips when he glanced back. I could see worry behind his mask of bravery and protection.
My mind wandered off to the incident that took place in the morning.

‘Do I tell Dad and Kamso?’

‘Do I go back to Father John the next day?’

'Do I discuss the incident with Darlington?’

‘What do I do about the abrupt and fast-paced relationship I have with Darlington?’

My mind was in great turmoil, so I decided to tackle the problems one after the other .

Firstly, telling Dad and Kamso would be a burden given their health challenges, but then, if I don’t tell them and decide to go the Priest, that will be endangering their lives too.

Secondly, going to Father John would surely bring an end to the drama going on in my life. I  knew it deep down in my guts.

For Taiwo to visit me physically just to warn me about Father John, it implied that he was scared of Father John and would do anything to prevent me from going back to the Church.

Then it clicked that instant. When Father John mentioned installing a crucifix at the entrance of my room and house, Taiwo possessed me so that it won’t be achieved and I won’t be informed of the remaining four or five remedies that will prevent his visit, possession  and oppression further.

Damn, the demon was scared! I realized.

Father John probably has all the answers and solution to my situation and he was a stumbling block to Taiwo, I reckoned.

I made a decision there and then to tell my Dad and sister. I planned on inviting them over to Owerri where I reside so that I’ll kill two birds with a stone.

I’ll tell them and at the same time they’d be involved in whatever Father John was going to do. It was about time, but I needed to make an urgent call. I opened my hand bag and dialed a number.

“Hello, good morning Father. You’re speaking with Chikodi Ogbuefi. The lady…”
“Hello my dear, how are doing?” he asked sounding cheerful as I remembered.

“I’m fine Father. I only called to reschedule our meeting that was supposed to be held tomorrow”

Darlington turned his head to look at me so quickly, I thought his head was going to snap off with the sudden movement.

“What?” he mouthed looking astonished.

“Why, my dear?”  Father John asked, bringing my attention back to him.
“I will like to inform my family about all these and get them involved with the whole process”

“I will inform you when they arrive so that we will reschedule the meeting”  I answered biting my nails. Bad habits die hard.

“Alright dear, remember to pray every time, okay? You’ll be fine trust me” he assured me and I ended the call.

A/N: Hello lovely people!!! It's been almost a week since I updated. Man I'm so sorry for that, I had a hell of a week!
Just a little announcement though. I made a little change in the Chapter five of this book again!! 😓😓
That chapter is turning out to be problematic to me because that's where Taiwo opened up about himself. Well it turns out Kodi is actually half Igbo(her dad) and half Yoruba(her mum) hence the Yoruba demon Taiwo.

This is a pretty long Chapter, so enjoy and do tell me what you think about it and my book in general. Endeavor to vote and comment afterwards! Love y'all😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️

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